Serui, Thursday, April 4, 2024 Director of Christian Affairs, Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance, Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Rev. Amsal Yowei, attended an important activity in the Regency of Yapen Serui Islands, Papua province. The activity opened by him aims to strengthen religious moderation and introduce the revitalization of the Office of Religious Affairs (Kua) to the leaders of religious institutions and non-civil servant religious extension workers in the region. In his speech, Rev. Amsal Yowei emphasises the importance of cooperation between the government and the community in strengthening religious moderation, especially in remote areas such as the Yapen Serui Islands regency. "Religious moderation is a strong foundation for a peaceful and harmonious religious life in society. We are committed to supporting the strengthening of religious moderation throughout the country, including in the outer regions such as here," he said. In addition, he also explained the revitalization plan of the Office of Religious Affairs (Kua) at the sub-district level as an effort to bring religious services closer to the community. "The Office of Religious Affairs is the spearhead of religious services at the local level. Through this revitalization, we hope that KUA can be more effective in providing quality religious services for the community," he added.
The event, which was attended by religious leaders, community leaders, and representatives of local governments, was also a forum for discussion and exchange of ideas on various issues related to religious life in Yapen Serui Islands regency. Participants are expected to bring home a better understanding and the spirit to participate in strengthening religious moderation in their respective environments. This activity is one of the concrete steps taken by the government in an effort to build a tolerant, inclusive, and peaceful religious life in Indonesia, especially in areas that need special attention, such as the Yapen Serui Islands regency.
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