Francis Xavier Rumere, S.Pdk (Secretary Carateker DPW FGM GKI Papua)

Development in the Land of Papua has been carried out by the government, both physical and non-physical development, but until now we often hear on various occasions about the statements that the government failed to “Indonesia-kan” Papuans, or “Papuans have not felt as part of Indonesia." Papua has been part of the Republic of Indonesia for 78 years, but in reality, the expression of the statement above occurs and increases along with the events of recent times, yes, even though Papua has been split into 6 provinces. Of course, this situation raises a big question in our minds: Why is it still happening? This situation must be handled with maturity and make corrections for improvement, especially non-physical development approaches that are considered by various parties to be less considered and ignored. Regional or central stakeholders or anyone who lives and subsists in the Land of Papua. These approaches are a record of the journey of duty as a regional head, either the governor, regent, or mayor, in the land of Papua as a public servant. The approach of handling between groups of "migrants and indigenous Papuans“ should also be a concern and prioritise ”win-win “(mutual benefit); leadership desired by indigenous Papuans; leadership with” heart"; an anthropological approach according to customs and local wisdom begins with lifting or empowering what is owned by indigenous Papuans. The religious message of a pastor or devotee in the past: Whoever works in this land faithfully, honestly, and heartily, he will walk from one wonder sign to another wonder sign" (Isack Samuel Kijne, 1947). This is a key word for leaders who work on the land of Papua. In the spirit of special autonomy (OTSUS) of Papua, the leadership has a central and very important position in manifesting the spirit of special autonomy (OTSUS), namely: protection of indigenous Papuans; alignment with indigenous Papuans; and empowerment of indigenous Papuans. To realise this, leadership is needed that is accepted by various levels of society, especially the indigenous people of Papua. And having experience that has been practiced in strategic ways or win-win about patterns or systems that are appropriate and suitable, both in the aspects of education, health, social, cultural, economic, and aspects of the political approach and aspects of the theological approach, is the right step in building Papua, because the most important essence is the concept of the development of regional head candidates, especially the governor of Papua province in the future, because choosing a candidate for governor must see his track record. It is our common concern that the Extreme Poverty Index and Human Development Index [HDI] rank Papua province first in Indonesia behind abundant natural wealth. The problem is a substantive issue that must often be discussed and raised by the youth who spearhead this country or the future generation of this country. We have to talk about how infrastructure development and governance are based on the potential of a region [local wisdom]. So far, the development is biassed because there is no development map from the government in Papua province. For example, in the development areas of Biak Numfor and Supiori Regency, the potential for marine tourism is directed towards tourism. To restore Marau Hotel and Frans Kaisiepo International Banadara in this case, create a new Bali in Papua, so that by itself there is PAD and increased economic income for the welfare of the community. Jayapura, as a development area that includes administrative and educational cities, does not only want to talk; I am ready to be governor. This talk of political lust brings suffering to the Papuan people, who have been miserable by the ideology of Free Papua and the Republic of Indonesia. Governor's New Hope in the Land of Papua Period 2024-2029 Let's look at and choose the governor of Papua Province in 2024–2029 based on conscience. By looking at the track record or track record of his leadership, do not choose leaders who have problems. Currently, Papua does not lack leader figures, but what leaders are expected? In our opinion, the leader of the future governor of Papua is a must (1). Fear of God (2). Integrity (personality); (3). intellectual (knowledge); (4). spiritual intelligence; (5). skills and abilities; (6). (7) Have a good track record and good communication. Have a wide network, (8). Have a soul to embrace without distinguishing tribes, religions, groups, and races that live on the Land of Papua (9). Have a spirit of innovation (10). Able to adapt to global and technological challenges The governor and deputy governor must be OAPs. The mandate of special autonomy (OTSUS) in Papua is very clear: candidates for governor and vice governor must be indigenous Papuans (mama-papa Papua), who are not Papuans; do not be ambitious or greedy; it is expected that the Papuan people's assembly must be firm; do not compromise with any interests.

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