Bangkok, (DBK)—The Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance continues to accelerate efforts to improve the quality of State Christian Religious Higher Education Institutions (PTKKN). This is being achieved through international collaboration.
During her visit to Thailand, Jeane Marie Tulung, the Director General of Christian Community Guidance, visited the Methodist Theological Seminary (MTS) in Thailand. On Monday, May 20, 2024, in Bangkok, Thailand, the Director General accompanied PTKKN leaders to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IAKN Manado and the Methodist Theological Seminary (MTS).
According to the agreement, the higher education institutions will collaborate in three main aspects of the Tri Dharma: education and teaching, research and development, and community service.
The Director General expressed hope that this cooperation will enhance the quality of State Christian Religious Higher Education Institutions in Indonesia. “By instilling an international perspective, it is expected that higher education institutions can develop further,” she said.
“With strong collaboration, this cooperation is believed to make a significant contribution to promoting and strengthening the internationalization of education, research, and community service,” the Director General added.
The Director General hopes that PTKKN in Indonesia and MTS in Thailand can establish sustainable relationships and contribute positively to the enhancement of education and research for both parties.
During this visit, the Director General received a Certificate of Appointment as a visiting professor at the Methodist Theological Seminary in Thailand.
Accompanying the Director General were Olivia C Wuwung, Rector of IAKN Manado; Anita Inggrith Tuela, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Cooperation; Wolter Weol, Director of Postgraduate Studies; and Santi Kalangi, Head of Secondary Education.