Jakarta (DBK)— Amsal Yowei, Director of Christian Religious Affairs, representing the Director General of Christian Community Guidance, delivered a keynote address and officially opened the Cultural and Religious Dialogue event with the theme "Religious Tolerance and Moderation." The event commenced on Thursday, July 11, at the Lumire Hotel in Jakarta. The purpose of the event, which was attended by various religious leaders, was to promote tolerance and moderation in religious life in Indonesia. "We are grateful to Almighty God for the opportunity to gather together in such a valuable event as the Cultural and Religious Dialogue with the theme 'Religious Tolerance and Moderation'," said Amsal Yowei in his welcome speech. Amsal Yowei expressed the joy and honor of being among religious leaders of different beliefs united in the desire to enhance tolerance and moderation in religious life in Indonesia. "The event we are holding today is not just an ordinary meeting or a formal ceremony. It is a call to unite in the spirit of brotherhood, to build bridges of dialogue that connect our hearts and minds, and to reaffirm our commitment to strengthening interfaith harmony," he said. He emphasized the importance of tolerance as an active commitment to respect, appreciate, and embrace the existing diversity. In Indonesia, religious diversity reflects a cultural richness that spans ages and civilizations. However, this diversity also tests our ability to ensure that differences become opportunities for mutual strengthening rather than barriers that divide. As Indonesian citizens, Amsal Yowei continued, we have a moral responsibility to maintain peace and respect differences, both in words and everyday actions. Therefore, events like this are very important as a tangible step to revive the noble values of the nation: Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means "Unity in Diversity." He also stressed the importance of religious moderation in maintaining balance and harmony in a multicultural society. "In the context of religious life, moderation teaches us to practice religious teachings with simplicity and wisdom," he stated. He expressed his sincere gratitude to the religious leaders who were willing to attend this event, as they are spiritual leaders and role models for all humanity in maintaining tolerance and promoting peace. With the words, "Let us make the spirit of unity and harmony the main driving force in every step we take forward," Amsal concluded his speech, hoping that the outcomes of this dialogue will be a concrete step in enhancing understanding of religious diversity and strengthening the commitment to building a better future for the next generation. With the official opening of the Cultural and Religious Dialogue, it is hoped that an inclusive and harmonious Indonesian society will be created. It will also serve as an example to the world that interfaith harmony can be achieved together. "We thank everyone who contributed to the success of this event. May Almighty God always bless us all in our journey towards peace and common salvation," Amsal concluded.
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