"Strengthening religious moderation is needed as a basic capital for the integrity and improvement of the quality of life of the nation and state," said the director of Christian Affairs.

"Strengthening religious moderation is needed as a basic capital for the integrity and improvement of the quality of life of the nation and state," said the director of Christian Affairs.

Cirebon (DBK): Based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 58 of 2023 on strengthening religious moderation to strengthen the understanding and essence of religious teachings and beliefs in social life, at the point of consideration of the regulation, it is stated that the diversity of religions and beliefs is a gift of God to the Indonesian nation that underlies the behavior of citizens and states that occupy an important and strategic position in the life of nation and state in Indonesia based on the Supreme Godhead. This was stated by the director of Christian Affairs, Dr. Proverbs Yowei, SE, M.Pd.K., when, representing the director general, he opened three Pioneer orientation activities to strengthen religious moderation for church leaders in the Java region, for church youth coaches, and for Krisren religious extension workers virtually on Monday, November 27, 2023. "Strengthening religious moderation is necessary because religious moderation is the basic capital for the integrity and improvement of the quality of life of the nation and state in Indonesia," explained Proverbs. Article 2 of Presidential Regulation Number 58 of 2023, he said, states that strengthening religious moderation is intended as a guideline for the central government, local governments, and religious communities in order to strengthen religious moderation.

Furthermore, Article 3 states that the strengthening of religious moderation is carried out to strengthen religious views, attitudes, and practices in a moderate manner to strengthen brotherhood and togetherness among religious people. "The provisions of Presidential Regulation No. 58 of 2023 also aim to strengthen harmony and religious harmony, harmonize religious and cultural relations, improve the quality of religious life services, and develop the economy of the people and religious resources," explained Proverbs. The presidential regulation, he said, also included strengthening religious moderation organized by the central government and local governments in a planned, systematic, coordinated, collaborative, and sustainable manner. "Therefore, with the holding of this pioneer orientation activity to strengthen religious moderation, may we all be able to become actors and pioneers who maintain and foster religious moderation in Indonesia," he concluded. One of the speakers who was the initiator of religious moderation, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin, also said that the appreciation of a religion is the truth that we must do. "I like that, like someone's faith, I will definitely justify the faith I believe in; however, I must still be able to appreciate and respect others; that is the concept of true religious moderation," said Lukman. Further, LHS (his nickname) says that God makes the difference as something positive because the difference is there to make us synergize, respect each other, and appreciate each other. "Make the difference as a test so that we can go up in class to increase our dignity as human beings. Without the exam, we will have difficulty going to class," he said.

Source : Direktur Urusan Agama Kristen: "Penguatan Moderasi Beragama Diperlukan Sebagai Modal Dasar untuk Keutuhan dan Peningkatan Kualitas Kehidupan Berbangsa dan Bernegara" | Ditjen Bimas Kristen Kemenag RI

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