The year 2023 is coming to an end in a few days. The Ministry of Religious Affairs welcomed the new year 2024 with many recognized achievements.

Minister of Religious Affairs Yaqut Cholil Qoumas stated that his staff managed to translate six messages delivered at the National Coordination Meeting of the Ministry of religious affairs in March 2023. Thus, the performance of Mora is assessed better, which is indicated by various achievements and appreciations.

The six messages conveyed by Gus Men at the beginning of 2023 are as follows: increased professionalism of ASN, anti-corruption commitment, quick response to problems and dumas, acceleration of priority programs, increased halal certification, and improved quality of life in the year of religious harmony.

Alhamdulillah, the Ministry of religion passed 2023 well. The minister of religion stated in Jakarta, Wednesday (27/12/2023), " Tahadduts bin ni'mah, many performance achievements in 2023 and that is also appreciated."

He then added, " the process of accelerating program achievement can be done along with the digital transformation."

 Launched on November 25, 2022, Superapps Pusaka is designed to integrate various service applications in the Ministry of religious affairs, such as Siskohat (Haji Pintar) for Hajj services, Simkah for marriage registration services, Sihalal for halal certification, including dumas, and various religious services (scriptures, lectures, sermons, and more). 

"Digital transformation is one of the seven priority programs of the Ministry of Religious Affairs. This ensures that the heirloom

To meet the needs of public information, the Ministry of Religious Affairs also makes the Ministry of Religious data. Mora is getting more open and open. The Central Information Commission appreciated this achievement.For the first time, 

Mora was considered an informative public institution. Gus Men stated that this is the highest achievement in the assessment of information disclosure. 

He also stated that a number of national media gave appreciation as a form of recognition for the success of the Ministry of religion in the digital transformation process. 

Another major Program is the Independence boarding school. To date, there are 2,076 pesantren that have received the benefits of this program, spread across 34 provinces; 128 of them have developed bumps, and 1,106 Religious Affairs offices (KUA) have been revitalized.

Kua infrastructure is improved to provide the best service to the community. To improve the quality of life of the religious community, the role of KUA is optimized as a Religious Service Center. One of the other priority programs is Islamic Cyber University. Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon (Islamic Cyber University) has provided a distance education system (PJJ) to 3,339 students from various regions in Indonesia.

Gus Men explained, " they can still study from their home region without having to leave their families and places of Service. 

Next year, we will expand this program, not only Islamic Education Study program, but also the opportunity for S2."

Strengthening religious moderation, the year of tolerance, and the religiosity index are three other priority programs that relate to each other. The process of strengthening religious moderation as a whole is going well, although it is limited in the Ministry of religion and other relevant stakeholders.

With the release of President number 58 of 2023 on strengthening religious moderation, a new era begins. Gus Men stated that in the future, the strengthening of MB can be done across K/L and local governments with Mora as its main sector.

He also stated that the Minister of Religious Affairs has been mandated by the president as the Chief Executive of the joint secretariat for strengthening religious moderation.

The minister of Religious Affairs is grateful that the religious harmony index (KUB) 2023 has increased compared to the previous two years. After reaching 72.39 in 2021, the index rose to 73.09 in 2022, and KUB again rose to 76.02 in 2023. The index shows three dimensions: tolerance (74.47), equality (77.61), and cooperation (76.00).

In addition to priority programs, the Ministry of Religious Affairs has achieved many achievements during 2023, which provide benefits for the future. The Target of one million halal certified products has been met this year. As of December 26, 2023, 2,395,905 products with halal certificates have been issued, exceeding the target of 1 million halal certificates in 2023.

The achievements of 2023 provide a good foundation for the future. 2019, 3,488,069 products have been certified halal. He stated that he believes there will be another increase in 2024.

The success of the Ministry of religion in organizing "elderly-friendly Hajj" is also a foundation. The Ministry of religion has facilitated the departure of 61,536 elderly pilgrims aged 65 years and over and 5,791 pilgrims with disabilities, which is the highest number in the history of Indonesian Hajj (as many as 209,782 people), and is the largest number of elderly pilgrims in history. He added, " The number is expected to reach 46 thousand in 2024." 

Two things Mark ASN's efforts to improve professionalism. First, a Competence assessment center is established and used. This is important for the preparation and mapping of Mora talents so that the merit system can be used optimally. 

Second, the reformulation of predictability: it has been proven that accelerating the use of smart MOOC LMS digital platforms is successful. In the last 15 months, 284,054 people participated in the Kemenag training program, which means 9,468 classes with 30 participants per class.

Gus Men stated that Dumas online Itjen Mora became more effective and responsive, saying that the efficiency of its budget even reached Rp1.6 trillion because the training was conducted online rather than face-to-face.

The revitalization of the mosque welfare agency (BKM), which was activated after a vacuum for some time, is a follow-up result of the Ministry of religion's anti-corruption commitment. 

Gus Men stated that, "anti-corruption commitment continues to be maintained, the Ministry of religion for seven consecutive years received the WTP opinion on the results of the BPK examination."Thus, they are entitled to the inpassing allowance for October, November and December 2023. A budget of Rp321.8 billion has been set and has been disbursed. 

He hopes that the Ministry of religion will continue to improve its performance to provide the best service to all people in the future.


Press Release

The Ministry Of Religious Affairs


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