Jakarta (DBK) – The Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance (Ditjen Bimas Kristen) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on the theme "Accelerating the Transformation of State Christian Religious Higher Education Institutions (PTKKN) from Institutes to Universities." The event took place on Friday, September 27, 2024, at Hotel Santika Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta.
The FGD was attended by several key officials, including the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani; Head of the Organization and Administration Bureau of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Nurudin; Director of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis), Ahmad Zainul Hamdi; Director of P3SI Legislation, Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Alpius Saruhama; Director of Christian Education, Sudirman Simanihuruk; and Head of the Sub-directorate of Christian Higher Education, Salmon Pamantung. The Rectors and Heads of PTKKN were also present, along with the Director General of Bimas Kristen, Jeane Marie Tulung, who led the discussion.
This FGD aimed to align perceptions regarding the revision of the appendix to the Minister of Religious Affairs Regulation (PMA) No. 13 of 2024, in order to expedite the transformation of PTKKN from institutes into universities. It is hoped that this event will result in a mutual agreement and a new understanding of the regulations required to support this transformation.
In his address, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, emphasized that the drive to transform PTKKN is based on efforts to broaden academic horizons and enhance the quality of education.
"The strong desire to transform PTKKN is driven by the determination to broaden our knowledge horizons, which naturally also demands an increase in education quality," Ali explained.
Ali also touched on recent developments related to regulatory changes. He noted that the issuance of PMA No. 13 of 2024 opens up new opportunities that facilitate the transformation process of PTKKN.
Furthermore, Ali reminded lecturers who wish to apply for functional position promotions to act promptly and not delay, in accordance with existing requirements. He cited Mark Zuckerberg's philosophy, the creator of Facebook, on the importance of moving quickly and making improvements along the way, without waiting for perfection from the start.
He also appreciated the efforts of Ditjen Bimas Kristen, especially the Director General of Bimas Kristen, Jeane Marie Tulung, who has persistently advocated for special funding to support the transformation of PTKKN, including the addition of civil servant lecturers.
"The struggles of our leaders must be met with great enthusiasm from all educational units. We must work together to increase the capacity and quality of our higher education institutions," Ali emphasized.
Ali also highlighted the importance of utilizing social media as a tool to enhance the image of Christian religious higher education institutions. He hopes that each institution has a public relations team capable of keeping up with technological advancements, to support a positive image of PTKKN in the public eye.
"We must maximize the use of information technology so that PTKKN's image becomes more recognized and appreciated by the public," he said.
This event is expected to generate valuable input from various parties to accelerate the transformation of PTKKN into universities. In his closing remarks, Ali expressed full support for this transformation and hoped that all parties would continue to pay attention to and adhere to every regulation that has been established.
"Do your best starting today. Don't forget to always monitor and comply with every rule we have set together," he concluded.
With collaboration and commitment from all parties, it is hoped that the transformation of PTKKN from institutes to universities can soon be realized, thereby supporting the improvement of higher education quality in Indonesia, especially Christian religious higher education.
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