Youth Combined Worship Environment "D" Klasis GKI Port Numbay in Church GKI Pniel Kotaraja

Youth Combined Worship Environment "D" Klasis GKI Port Numbay in Church GKI Pniel Kotaraja

Kotaraja, November 12, 2023—On this sunny Sunday, the teenagers of the "D" Klasis GKI Port Numbay neighbourhood gathered in a joint service held at the GKI Pniel Kotaraja congregation. The service, which was attended by teenagers from various congregations, was led by the chairman of the GKI congregation assembly, Pniel Kotaraja, Rev. Fince Rumere, S.Th., MM.

Worship begins with joy and enthusiasm, in line with the theme of worship, "accept God's plan with a sincere heart." During the service, the youth were guided through a Bible reading from Luke 1:26–38, which recounts the visit of the angel Gabriel to Mary. Rev. Fince Rumere, in his sermon, described how wonderfully God's plan was announced through angels to Mary. He stressed the importance of being willing to accept God's plan, even if it sometimes seems elusive or even impossible. "We can learn from Mary, who sincerely accepted God's plan by saying, 'Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word,'" Rev. Fince. In addition, worship is also blessed with Bible readings and special devotionals for the Fellowship of Children and Youth. The youth are invited to reflect on how great the grace of God is and how we can live our lives as sincere and obedient servants of God. This joint worship is not only a moment of spiritual guidance but also an opportunity to strengthen the fellowship among teenagers from the "D" class of GKI Port Numbay. The participants left the church with a heart full of joy and enthusiasm to accept every beautiful plan that God had prepared for them. Hopefully the togetherness and spiritual spirit generated from this worship can continue to strengthen the brotherhood among GKI Port Numbay classical church teenagers. Amen.

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