Sail Cenderawasih Bay 2023 as an effort to introduce the charm of Cenderawasih Bay

A well-known proverb says that "don't know, then don't love," and it seems to be a philosophy held firmly by the Indonesian government, especially in an effort to promote tourism potential in Cenderawasih Bay, Papua. Sail Papua 2023 is one of the concrete manifestations of this effort, bringing the world's attention to the natural beauty and marine biodiversity of Papua. In several previous sailing activities, Indonesia has successfully promoted marine tourism destinations in various regions. However, for Papua, especially Cenderawasih Bay, this activity is a window to the world that opens up opportunities for tourists to see firsthand its natural charm. As quoted from the Ministry of Tourism Media, the goal of Sail Papua 2023 is to accelerate the development of the potential of marine resources and tourism in Indonesia. However, it should be recognised that although Cenderawasih Bay is rich in natural beauty, there are a number of challenges that need to be overcome to realise its tourism potential. One of the main problems is the lack of infrastructure development towards tourism objects, limited access to airlines, and the lack of hospitality facilities that meet international standards. In addition, information related to tourism objects in Papua, especially in the Cenderawasih Bay Area, is still less available and centralized. Therefore, further efforts are needed to improve facilities and accessibility so that Cenderawasih Bay can become a more accessible tourist destination. Tourism management in Papua also requires synergy between the government, the private sector, and local communities. This collaboration must be supported by the principle of environmental sustainability to maintain the authenticity of Papua's nature. This synergy will also help in overcoming the obstacles faced, such as infrastructure problems and promotions that have not been optimal. In this context, I, Franciscus Saperius Rumere, as a young leader of GKI Church, invite us all to give support and also help promote the implementation of Sail Teluk Cenderawasih as a leading marine tourism destination in Indonesia, Asia, and even the world. Through Sail Teluk Cenderawasih 2023, it is hoped that the natural beauty of Papua, especially Teluk Cenderawasih, can continue to be maintained and preserved. With the support of all parties, the dream of making Cenderawasih Bay a great maritime tourist destination and able to prosper the community can become a reality. In addition, the constant promotion of Papua's natural beauty can be a magnet for tourists and encourage local economic growth. Let's together preserve and promote Indonesia's natural wealth for future generations.
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