The scale of Israeli bombing in Gaza 'is'morally unjustifiable,' says the Archbishop of Canterbury.

The scale of Israeli bombing in Gaza 'is'morally unjustifiable,' says the Archbishop of Canterbury.

London, 13 November 2023 The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, issued a strong call for an end to the bloodshed in Gaza, calling the scale of Israeli bombing "morally unjustifiable". "In his presidential address to the General Synod of the Church of England, Archbishop Welby expressed his concern over the killing of civilians and the destruction of civilian infrastructure. "While I am convinced that Israel has the right and duty to defend itself, the suffering of innocent Palestinians is considered a grave mistake," the archbishop said. He also highlighted that Hamas' cruel actions cannot be paid for by Gaza civilians. The Archbishop of Canterbury recently paid a solidarity visit to Jerusalem, where he met Christian leaders united in a call for a humanitarian ceasefire. However, global disapproval of this conflict continues, with a growing number of victims. "In the past three weeks, thousands of innocent lives in Gaza have been lost, and hundreds of families are still pleading for the release of their loved ones," he said in a tone of urgency. Archbishop Welby acknowledged his inability to provide a military or political solution to this crisis, but he insisted that the call for an armistice was a moral call that must be heard and responded to by all parties. His speech ended with a recorded message from the archbishop in Jerusalem, Hosam Naoum, who stressed the importance of pursuing peace and reconciliation in the Holy Land. Naoum called for prayers for Palestinians and Israelis while urging the global community to work towards a peaceful resolution and the protection of civilians. "As we continue to fight for peace, now we need to hold on to what we believe in, because that's what God is calling us to," he added. The call reflects global concern over the protracted conflict in the Middle East, with hopes that a peaceful solution can be found in the near future.

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