A call to prayer as violence against Christians increases Due to the ever-increasing

A call to prayer as violence against Christians increases Due to the ever-increasing

persecution around the world, churches in England and Ireland are being asked to pray. On the eve of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP), Release International issued the appeal. The church is invited to use Sunday, November 5, or any other Sunday in November, to show the suffering of persecuted Christians. Millions of Christians around the world face discrimination, abuse, and violence, including death, because of their faith. Many of them do not have the freedom to worship in church or speak about their faith openly. With the help of Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), Open Doors, and the Evangelical Alliance, Release International will hold an online event to intercede for the persecuted church at 7:30 a.m. on November 5. The event will focus on the experiences of Christians persecuted for their faith in Eritrea, Nigeria, and Nicaragua, as well as those imprisoned for their faith. Downloadable resources from the Release website include the story of Chinese pastor Wang Yi, who was charged with "inciting subversion of state power" and sentenced to nine years in prison. I firmly believe that the Bible does not authorise any branch of government to run the church or interfere with the faith of Christians. Therefore, the Bible demands that I, through peaceful means, in meek resistance and active patience, be filled with joy, rejecting all administrative policies and legal measures that oppress the church and interfere with the faith of Christians. I hope God uses me... to tell those who have deprived me of my personal freedom that there is a higher authority than theirs and that there is a freedom that they cannot control, a freedom that fills the Church of the crucified and Risen Jesus Christ. Paul Robinson, CEO of Release International, stated, "In the New Testament, the Apostles sought to strengthen and encourage persecuted Christians. And they pray for them." On this International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, we have the opportunity to truly consider those who suffer for Christ as brothers and sisters, to stand with them, and to raise our voices with them in prayer. Join us right now!

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