Acts 5:29, but Peter and the apostles answered and said, "We must obey God rather than men.

Oleh : Pdt. I Made Agustinus, S. Th., MA., M. Th

Shalom! God's peace to us all! Ladies and gentlemen who are loved by God, we as human beings certainly have guidelines and views of life that we follow and live by, either from personal experience or someone else, whether it is our father, our teacher, or someone we consider a figure who has an influence on the surrounding life and society. We follow those discourses, instructions, and directives earnestly in the hope of a better life in personal or family life. The advice and guidance of life from great people that we even pass on to our generation, because we believe that the instructions and advice that, if followed by our generation or children, will produce a good pattern of life. Guidance and admonition are followed and carried out earnestly and are considered a law in personal life. It is this kind of practice that generates culture and customs in people's lives. We, as believers (Christians), are born in the midst of customary life and culture in each environment, family, and even tribe where we are. The culture and customs that we accept are firmly attached; sometimes, even in certain areas, we see customs and religions mixed into the principles and practices of life. With the passage of time, the hereditary customs many of us encounter are no longer relevant to our current circumstances. Of course, the rules, advice, and rules were taught in accordance with the circumstances of the time, so they are very relevant to existing life. This means that every rule, advice, and rule is considered good, as philosophies and views of life can change and must adjust to the circumstances and development of the times. But unlike God and his word, which do not change from age to age, his wisdom and discernment lead mankind to his way and will, which are the source of life. Without God, man cannot 'live'! But without man, God is still God Almighty, from eternity to eternity. It is not God who needs man, but man who needs God. The Lord God determines how a person's fate will be, whether he accepts the goodness and grace of God or accepts punishment from God. It all depends on how a person lives—whether he lives and obeys according to God's word or follows the instructions, rules, and principles of human law that are not in accordance with the principles of God's righteous law. God's laws and righteousness are continuous, relevant, and sustained throughout the ages of life on Earth. Obedience to God and his word is the key to our success as believers. The word’ obey ‘in the Greek text is the peitharche translated’ obey ‘in English, literally meaning’submit to authority and law'. Obedience to God is ‘absolute’ and non-negotiable, for God is sovereign (authority) and he is the eternal King (law of all laws), and God is never ‘wrong or mistaken’. Religious leaders (pastors), gospel teachers, church activists, and religious figures can be wrong in their decisions and instructions (human error), so it is not an absolute thing to follow. Leaders and religious leaders are exemplary when it comes to decisions and performances based on the word of God. What happened when Peter and the other apostles appeared before the Council and the religious leaders was that by taking the right action, they had to ‘obey’ God in order to speak the truth that ‘Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of men’, and not be afraid of pressure and threats from the Jewish religious leaders. Not a few Christians, because of pressure and threats, end up compromising and following what people want, even though it is against the will and law of God (sin). The circumstances we experience are sometimes not what we expect. We all hope that the life we are going through is all right. That is the test and challenge for believers, whether they still hold the commandments and promises of God even though threatened or seek safety even if it is contrary to what God wants. Our future depends on how we live today, whether we obey God or not. As it is written in Galatians 6:8: “For whoever sows in the flesh will reap corruption out of the flesh, but whoever sows in the spirit will reap eternal life out of the spirit.” Our strictness will bring the goodness and love of God into our lives, even if it sometimes conflicts with the thoughts and views of those around us. Hold fast to the word of God, for the word of God is the source of life, and it is never too late to bless those who are ‘obedient and faithful’. Obedience and faithfulness are proof that we live under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so even if we are oppressed, threatened, and excluded for obeying God's will, one day in time (kairos), God will act to reveal His grace of love and bless us. Amen!

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