By Jennifer Roback Morse, CP Op-Ed Contributor Monday, January 15, 2024

As a devoted Roman Catholic, my friends at the Christian Post have asked for my opinion on the recent Vatican document Fiducia Supplicans. I am honored to receive this question. Tremendous confusion has occurred due to the recent actions of the Vatican. If we are to overcome this chaos, all those who hold to traditional Christian sexual morality must consider themselves.

The sexual revolution is interesting. According to the revolution, nothing terrible will happen, and people can do whatever gender they want under any circumstances. Many people want to believe this, although there is a lot of evidence to the contrary. The Sexual Revolution has undermined virtually every major religious structure as well as all political, educational, academic, and professional structures in Western society.

I remember the difficulties that bishops had when they were under their leadership, when they insisted on ordaining sexually active men and even publicly announced that a man was homosexual. Denominations are divided. Many times, the most conventional members of the church lose their possessions. Many people depend on African bishops. "Our brothers are suffering," I said in my heart.

Now we're going to have trouble.

Sola Scriptura does not protect you from the harm caused by the sexual revolution. Nothing protects us from the infallibility of complacency. I came to the conclusion that unless a certain person or organization deliberately rejects the Sexual Revolution, it will sweep you off your feet.

The doctrine reaffirmed important points of Christian teaching, which amused some Catholics. And that's true from a technical perspective. However, no one needs a new document of 5,000 words to reaffirm a concept that can be conveyed in less than a hundred words.

 Weasel words are the core of the document, and only 4,900 words remain. I believe that this document is psychological warfare, a psychological operation, and part of an ongoing campaign to remove opposition to the Sexual Revolution.

Let me be as clear as possible about the perception Catholics have of themselves and their church. Pope Francis does not change church doctrine because he has no authority to do so.

Technically, this document does not qualify very highly for a "perfect papal statement. According to the legalistic interpretation, Pope Francis did not change the church's teaching on homosexual acts or the definition of marriage. I anticipate that he will not go beyond that limit. However, this document has greatly changed the permitted pastoral practices, so that teachings contrary to our culture are obscured.

Unfortunately, there have been many other cases where differences between Catholic doctrine and Catholic practice have caused our situation to get worse. On paper, the Catholic Church maintains the prohibition of divorce and remarriage as prohibited by the Bible. The Catholic Church also maintains the universal and ancient Christian prohibition of contraception. However, Catholic practice in these two areas is almost indistinguishable from that of other societies.

The modern world holds that all moral systems are subject to human change. Many people in this world cannot even accept the idea that morality can be universal and eternal. Therefore, I have told my Catholic friends that this statement should be repeated as often as possible. God gave us the teachings of the Church. No one had the authority to change it, not even the Roman Pope. Full stop.

By trying to rewrite the moral law, our society is destroying itself.

 Pornography in a cultural context.

Marriage is no longer for the lower classes of society and negatively affects their children.

Society rejects the reality of men and women.

I don't know who made the decision in Rome. Despite the many rumors that have been covered up, I do not know of any allegations of sexual abuse against Pope Francis. However, it is undeniable that he has been with many dishonorable individuals, such as Cardinal Victor Manuel Ferná.

Whoever was responsible for what happened in Rome, these people collectively did what gay men used to do when they ruled an institution. They sent it to earth for their own benefit.

Catholics believe that Pope Francis has a responsibility to preserve the ancient teachings that God gave to the church. Pope Francis did something that is incompatible with this responsibility. This indicates a bad Pope. The previous pope did not happen to us. This one will save us.

As a Catholic and a social scientist who has studied the sexual revolution for many years, I believe that we should not apologize for the sexual teachings of the Church. We may have to apologize for actions taken by people of the Catholic faith. (After all, more than a billion people around the world join this organization, but we should not apologize for the teachings themselves.) Fiduciary Supplicans change pastoral habits with the aim of obscuring teachings. This will only result in more devastation, grief, pain, and destruction.

The Church's old teachings on family, marriage, and human sexuality are good and true. It is the only intellectually coherent opponent of the sexual revolution. I hope all of you can join me in voicing your opinions as much and clearly as possible.

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse founded and serves as the executive director of the Ruth Institute, an interfaith alliance with a global mission to promote love and protect the family. On January 3, 2024, Dr. Morse released a video about Fiducia Supplicans.


News Sources: https://www.christianpost.com/voices/has-pope-francis-changed-catholic-church-teaching.html

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