Kakanwil Kemenag Papua submits stimulus assistance for the rehabilitation of Christian houses of worship in 2023.

Papua, October 27, 2023: The Head of the Regional Office (Kakanwil) of the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) of Papua Province, Rev. Klemens Taran, S.Ag., gave a speech at the handover of rehabilitation assistance and the construction of Christian houses of worship for fiscal year 2023. In his speech, Rev. Klemens Taran explained that the assistance provided is merely a stimulus, given the limited budget that comes entirely from the state budget (APBN). "For 2023, we only get a budget allocation of 375 million rupiah. Although the value may not look too big considering the current increase in raw material prices, we are trying our best to make the most of it," said Rev. Klemens Taran. Of the total budget, the Papua Ministry of Religion has allocated 25 million rupiah for each of the 15 churches that received assistance. Rev. Klemens Taran hopes that this assistance can make a positive contribution to maintaining and improving the quality of Christian houses of worship in Papua. The event was also attended by the head of Christian Affairs, Tony Denny Sahertian, S.Si, M.Pd.K., along with the team from the field. In addition, representatives from 15 churches that received assistance were also present at this activity. Here are the names of churches that received rehabilitation assistance or construction of Christian houses of worship for fiscal year 2023: Pentecostal Church in Indonesia (GPdI) Shalom Tarau Serui Evangelical Christian Church (GKI) in Tanah, Papua Jemaah Harapan, Abepura Jayapura Bethel Church Pentecostal Church (GBGP) in Tanah, Papua Jemaah Filadelfia Kalibobo, Nabire GKI in Papua GKI Pengharapab Samares Church, Biak GKI in Papua Gethsemane Holtekamp congregation, Jayapura Pentecostal Church in Papua (GPDP) Diaspora congregation of Kampung Salor Indah, Merauke GKI in Papua Hermon Batuputih Church, Jayapura GKI in Tanah Papua Petra Bucend II Entrop Church, Jayapura GKI in Papua Church Kairos Sudden Village, Jayapura-My Wordpress Blog GKI in Tanah Papua Eden Tanjung Ria Church ”PAR Eklesia”, Jayapura GKI in Papua Maranatha Polimak Church, Jayapura GKI in Papua El Elyon Kotaraja Church, Jayapura GKI in Papua Yordan Valley congregation Organda, Jayapura GKI in Papua Maranatha Nimbokrang Church, Jayapura Hopefully, this assistance can provide great benefits for the Christian community in Papua and support the sustainability of worship in these houses of worship.
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