Biak, September 12, 2024 – The Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Christian Education Foundation (BP YPK) in Papua, Joni Betaubun, officially handed over all the needs of YPK schools to the Biak Numfor Regency Government (Pemkab). The handover was carried out during a grand assembly of the YPK family, held at the SMK YPK 2 Biak ceremonial field, and was directly received by Acting Regional Secretary (Plh. Sekda) of Biak, Zackharias L. Mailoa, on Thursday, September 12, 2024.
On this occasion, Joni Betaubun expressed his appreciation and gratitude to the Biak Numfor Regency Government for their attention and support to YPK schools.
"To the Acting Regent, BP YPK expresses gratitude for providing special attention to YPK in Biak," said Betaubun.
Betaubun also mentioned that YPK is included in Law Number 2 on Special Autonomy Part 2, as well as in Government Regulation Number 106 regarding the Pioneer Education Foundation. Thus, according to him, YPK has a share in the Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus). "If you are looking for native Papuan children, they are in YPK schools, which accommodate Papuan children from lower-middle-income families," he explained.
Meanwhile, Acting Regional Secretary Zackharias L. Mailoa emphasized that YPK's responsibility is shared, not only by BP YPK but also by the local government, which must pay special attention.
Therefore, he said, with the grand assembly held by BP YPK, the Biak Numfor Regency Government would immediately cooperate with PSW YPK. "So that the proposals from YPK schools will be followed up according to the region's capabilities," he stated.
However, he added, the Biak Regency Government continues to maintain a strong commitment to YPK schools in the region, which has the largest number of YPK schools in Papua. Mailoa further noted that with the most schools in the district, YPK should be at the forefront of receiving special attention. "Moreover, with the presence of the Chairman of BP YPK, this reinforces our commitment that YPK must be prioritized and placed at the forefront," Mailoa added.
He also mentioned the issue of P3K (contract-based government employees) teachers who have been serving in foundation schools being transferred to state schools according to central government regulations. He emphasized that the Biak Regency Government guarantees that this will not happen. "Even though the regulation states otherwise, we will act according to the needs of foundation schools, especially YPK," he concluded.
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