Build partnership. The Directorate General of Christian Guidance holds a media gathering in Bogor

Build partnership. The Directorate General of Christian Guidance holds a media gathering in Bogor

Bogor (DBK), director of Religious Affairs, Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance (Ditjen Bimas Kristen), Ministry of Religious Affairs, Proverbs Yowei, stated that the presence of the media is very important for the Directorate General of Christian Guidance. The former Regional Head of the Ministry of Religion of Papua emphasised that the Director General of Christian Guidance always reminded that the priority programme of the Minister of Religious Affairs implemented as a priority of the Directorate General of Christian Guidance must be accelerated and known by the public. "We package priority programmes under heading 10.10," said Yowei during a discussion with press members at the 2023 Directorate General of Christian Guidance Media Gathering in Bogor on Wednesday, November  2023. The 10.10 Programme, continued Yowei, includes 10 religious development priority areas, 10 digital service applications, 10 religious moderation villages, 10 Christian religious cultural object assistance, 10 public service incubation centres based on religious moderation, 10 land grants for religious education services, 10 openings of new Christian religious education units, 10 HR development scholarships, 10 reputable journals, and 10 transformations of religious institutions. Yowei explained in more detail that the 10 priority areas for religious development involve the Mentawai Islands, Sabu Raijua Islands, West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan, North Kalimantan Malinau, Palu Central Sulawesi, Halmahera North Maluku, Southwest Papua/Sorong, Papua/Sentani, and Lapago, mountainous Papua. "Furthermore, we have formed 10 religious moderation villages as a result of collaboration with 7 state Christian religious universities (PTKKN) and local governments, and this programme continues to process," explained Yowei. In the context of Christian religious cultural object assistance, Yowei mentioned that the assistance has been distributed to four objects, including GBKP Runggun Buluh Awar, GPIB Immanuel Jakarta, Gkst Palu Missionary House, and GKI Filadelfia Pulai Ada. "Regarding the 10 Incubation Centres for Public Services based on religious moderation, we have prepared the draft legal guidelines," he added. Furthermore, Yowei reported that the land grant programme for Religious Education Services has given positive results. "In Mentawai there are 25 hectares, in Sabu Raijua 1 hectare, in Yogyakarta donated by STAK Teruna Bakti, in Sorong by STAK Mesias, and in 10 other SMTKS," said Yowei. The Directorate General of Christian Guidance is also trying to open a new state Christian Religious Education Unit. "Currently being processed in KemenPAN-RB are the Manokwari State SMPTK, Sorong Diaspora State SMPTK, Kokoda State SMPTK, Wondama Bay State SMPTK, Raja Ampat State SMPTK, East Sumba State SMAK, Kupang State SMAK, Yapen Islands State SMTK, SOE State SMTK, and Central Sumba State SMTK," explained Yowei. "We have also launched the overseas Doctoral Programme Human Resource Development Scholarship ogram, the San Sandwich scheme, writing training for teachers, lecturers, and extension workers, lecture KIP, PIP, OAP affirmation assistance, research scholarships, and research schools for lecturers," he added. "Reputable journals are in cooperation with volunteer journalists," explained Yowei. Yowei also explained that the Institutional Transformation programme is in progress and involves several institutions, such as IAKN Manado, Iakn Tarutung, Iakn Ambon, STAPKN Sentani, STAK Teruna Bhakti Yogyakarta, and STAK Mesias Sorong. Christian University's Cyber Programme, with IAKN Manado as a pilot project, is also ongoing. "Related to digital services, the Directorate General of Christian Guidance has e-PAKris, Sindak, BKD, e-Jafung, and Christian Guidance Web applications," explained Yowei. In cooperation with the Indonesian Connection Organisation, the Directorate General of Christian Guidance is producing a 170-verse Bible Sign Language video for the disabled. "The verse is sorted into 14 themes and will be produced in the form of videos. Hopefully this can be a Christmas gift for the disabled," he added. "On behalf of the Director General of Christian Guidance, we express our appreciation for the presence of media friends; hopefully we can continue to work together to convey positive news to the community," concluded Yowei. Meanwhile, the head of the Bureau of Public Relations and Data of the Ministry of Religion, Akhmad Fauzin, emphasised that all the good things done by the Ministry of Religion must be felt by the community. "Journalists are prosecutors who convey facts, including how religious moderation literacy is supported by media friends," explained Fauzin. The three-day event was attended by journalists from print, online, television, and radio media, as well as Public Relations Unit echelon I of the Ministry of Religion. (EVG)

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