IAKN Manado was officially designated as the PTKN recipient of SPI strengthening in 2024
Banten (DBK) - Institut Agama Kristen Negeri (Iakn) Manado has been officially designated as a State University (PTKN), which will receive the strengthening of the capabilities of the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) in 2024. This funding was carried out in accordance with the guidelines for health document services by the rector of IAKN Manado, Olivia Cherly Wuwung, along with 19 other rectors of PTKN. The event was attended by the Director General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Faisal, as well as the Director General of Christian Community Guidance, Jeane Marie Tulung, and the Director General of Islamic Education, Muhammadi Ali Ramdhani. The activity is the result of strengthening the capabilities of the Internal Affairs supervision unit (SPI) in 2023 and launching the strengthening of the SPI in 2024, organised by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs in Banten on Thursday, November 16, 2023. In his speech, the Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion stated that the strengthening of SPI is an integral part of the development of campus governance to realise good governance in universities. "A strong SPI will make PTKN more powerful, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs will be better," said the Inspector General. Faisal, Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion, conveyed the importance of the SPI in strengthening the governance and implementation of PTKN quality. "Strengthening the ability of SPI is a system that we build to develop the potential for corruption practices in PTKN," he added. Jeane Marie Tulung, Director General of Bimas Kristen, stated that the SPI supervision activities carried out by the inspectorate general have a strategic plan and tactics to improve the ability, capacity, and accountability of supervision at PTKN on an ongoing basis. "Itjen introduces a monitoring ecosystem that is not centralised at the centre, involving the role of TKN institutionally," he continued. The Director General of Christian Guidance also emphasises the independence of SPI, requesting that SPI have an independent position and not be affected by the supervision of other parties to ensure integrity and objectivity in the implementation of tasks. The director general uses the cooperation between SPI and Itjen based on mutual trust to achieve optimal internal supervision and control objectives. "By working together to build mutual trust, good luck quickly, initiatives, and the implementation of good university governance at PTKN for the progress of the people," concluded the director general. Follow the instructions in this activity: Director General of Islamic Education Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, director of Christian Education Sudirman Simanihuruk, director of Islamic Education Ahmad Zainul Hamdi, rectors of PTKN, and SPI managers at PTKN. PTKN, which was launched to strengthen the ability of SPI Phase II:
PTKN which was launched to strengthen the ability of SPI Phase II:
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