A father reveals his daughter's experience after being released from Hamas.

A father reveals his daughter's experience after being released from Hamas.

Nearly two months after being deprived of their homes and separated from their families, the freed hostages returned to a different life in Israel. Some are waiting for other families to be released, while others have just learned that their loved ones have been killed by Hamas. Clarissa Ward, a reporter from International News, spoke with a father who went through this difficult experience. Thomas Hand, who initially thought his daughter Emily had died, was finally grateful to learn that Emily was still alive. After 50 days in captivity, Emily is finally back with her family. Thomas describes the emotional moment when Emily was first encountered after her release. She revealed that her daughter appeared traumatized and had difficulty speaking. Emily describes her hostage experience, referring to it as a "box" or "cage," and reflects her fear by simply whispering. The meeting after the release was not as simple as expected. Thomas details how Emily mistook herself for a hostage and reveals harrowing details about the events she experienced, including running from house to house. Emily's grief is deepened when she learns that her stepmother, Naki, has been killed in the attack.

Thomas reluctantly tells her, and Emily's reaction becomes a difficult moment in their recovery journey. Despite the flashes of happiness with seeing Emily go back to her daily activities, such as taking a walk with their family dog Jauncey, great challenges remain. Thomas highlights the need to support Emily's psychological recovery and underlines the importance of bringing home all the hostages, including Emily's best friend's mother, Kayla. In this interview, Thomas also highlighted Emily's good physical condition but stressed the need for attention to psychological aspects to support her daughter's healing process. Their future is filled with challenges, but Thomas is committed to continuing to fight, not only for Emily's recovery but for all the hostages still in captivity.

Source : https://youtu.be/k808GLtoVck?si=qRJv4OKnwPHOem-b

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