1.3 billion allocated for Christian PTK lecturer research by the Ministry of Religious Affairs
Jakarta (Kemenag)—the Ministry of Religious Affairs continues to support religious education. Finally, 36 lecturer teams from Christian religious universities (PTKK) received research assistance from the Directorate General of Christian Community Guidance (Ditjen) worth Rp1.370.000.000. In Jakarta, Thursday (2/11/2023), Director General of Christian Guidance Jeane Maria Tulung stated, "The provision of this research assistance is part of the Ministry of Religious Affairs' priority programme, namely religious moderation. The Ministry of Religion is committed to improving the quality of services for all religions, including Christian religious education." In addition, the Director General stated that scientific development, accreditation and quality, human resources, and PTKK affirmation are all related to this research assistance program. Jeane stated, "After a rigorous selection, we decided that 36 PTKK lecturers, both public and private, are entitled to this government assistance." Jeane added that there are four types of assistance provided. The first is the coaching and capacity-building assistance scheme, which is given to four lecturers, each of whom received a scholarship worth 20 million rupiah. Second, assistance programmes for scientific developers and basic research study programmes This type of scholarship is given to ten lecturers, each with a value of Rp 30 million. Third, the higher education developer Research Assistance Scheme Eleven recipients received scholarships worth 40 million rupiah each. Fourth, there is the Applied Research Assistance programme, which focuses on the study of national strategies. Eleven recipients were selected, each of whom received a scholarship worth Rp 50 million. The following is a list of research aid recipients:
- Dr. Alrik Lapian, S.Th., M.Sn., Dr. Markus Wibowo S.Th., M.Sn., Maria Armalita weighed, M.Sn., Andre Yohanis Herani Sahadula (Research title: the existence of bamboo Entel music in the liturgy of worship at GERMITA Sasanggelo Church in Beo District, Talaud Islands regency, North Sulawesi province)
- Dr. Talizaro Tafonao, M.Pd.K., Yunardi Kristian Zega, M.Pd. (Research title: Metaverse: Church Revolution and Crisis in the Digital Age)
- Roy Keane, who is a Member of the Buffalo Bills, M.Th., Heliyanti Kalintabu, S.Th., M.Pd.K., Charolin Geby Bambung (Research title: "Dumia Umbanua”: contextual mission theology study and its implementation in religious moderation in Laikit Village, North Minahasa regency)
- Muis Saifuddin Anshari Pikahulan, M.H., Drs. Sudirman Simanihuruk, M.Th., and Franklin Stevan Dahlory, M.P.D. (Research Title: The Role of Religious Leaders in Encouraging Religious Moderation: A Case Study of Ambon City)
- Dr. Wolter Weol, S.Th., M.Pd., and Denni H.R. The example, M.Th. (Research title: Mapalus paradigm in strengthening religious moderation: Minahasa Cultural Studies with intersubjective relations approach in the context of a pluralistic society in North Sulawesi);
- Dr. Setinawati, M.Th., Isabella Jeniva, M.Si. BELUM RUHUI RAHAYU in the frame of religious moderation: a socio-theological study of the role of religion and culture in the Dayak community in Tewang Darayu Village, Katingan regency, Central Kalimantan province;
- Dr. The Sergeant-At-Arms, M.Th., Arie Rissing Natalia, S.Th., M.Pd.K., Patar Rudianto Butar-butar (Research title: ONOMI REIMAI'S philosophy of building religious moderation in Sentani);
- Dr. The Need for Sun, M.Si., Andriarto Kapu Enda, M.Pd.K. (Research title: Reframing the Mission of the Church in the midst of religious plurality: A Study of the Practice and Mission Model of the Sumba Christian Church Waingapu congregation);
- Tio R.J. Nadeak, M.Pd., Deborah Purba, S.S., M.Sc The Prince of Peace, M.Si., Bambang T.J. Hutagalung, M.Kom. (Research title: The Potential of Voluntourism in Sustainable Tourism Development in North Tapanuli)
- Dr. Yowelna Tarumasely, M.Pd.; Dr. Mercy Florence Halamuri, M.Pd.K.; Yunita Sipahelut, M.Psi.; Psychologist Wilhemus Labobar M.P.D. (Research title: Analysis of the Impact of the Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology on Motivation and Self-Learning Behaviour of High School Students in Ambon City)
- Dr. Lustani Samosir, M.P.D., Dr. Robert June Old Sitio, M.P.D., Frainskoy Rio Naibaho, M.Kom., Maryska Debora Silalahi (Research title: religious moderation in the social life of North Sumatra students (an overview of religious moderation behaviour in students in North Sumatra))
- Dr. Fibry Jati Nugroho, S.Th., M.Si, Dwi Novita Sari, S.Th., M.Pd., and Agustinus Tunda (Research Title: Religious Moderation Construction of Salatiga Community As A Tolerant City)
- Dr. The Wedding Dresses, M.Th., Dr. Hanna Dewi Aritonang, M.Th., Mega Intan Tambunan (Research title: Living ecological spirituality: a Christian Vocation in the midst of environmental crisis in Indonesia)
- Dr. Aselmus A.J.E. Toenlioe, M.Pd., Dr. Lidia Susanti, M.P., Dr. Janneman R. Usmany, M.Pd.K., Dr. Amir Hamzah, M.Pd., Fransisca Kurniajaya, Yohanes Setiawan (Research title: Independent Curriculum Development based on Faith Growth and Life Skills (Soft Skills)) (PAUD Kristen Malang Raya)
- Dr. Farno Billy Arthur Gerung, M.Th., and Krueger Kristanto Tumiwa, M.Si. Teol. (Research title: Christian Scientific Integrative Paradigm for the Development of Lecturer Expertise Consortium at PTKK)
- Steven P.N. Indra Lumintang and Zummy Anselm Dami (Research title: Factors that Increase Organisational Citizenship) Behaviour and job satisfaction of Christian religious college lecturers: examining the role of motivation to serve, servant leadership, trust, and eader-member exchange
- Dr. Elka Anakotta, M.Si., and Dr. Flavius Andries, M.A. (research title: State, Religion, and Nationalism (Rejection of Christian School Construction in Pare-Pare, South Sulawesi))
- Prof. Dr. Amos Neolaka, M.Pd., Dr.Phil. Jenry Elrich Cornelis Mandey, Dr. Marthin Steven Lumingkewas, M.Div., and Dr. Sri Mulyani, S.Si., M.Si. (Research title: SALUTI Early Detection Application (aware of heart wounds) based on Android for the people of South Tangerang)
- Dr. Junihot M. Simanjuntak, M.Pd., Nelson Hasibuan, M.Th. (Research Title: Quality Management Model of Christian Religious Universities in Indonesia Based On Research Products and Lecturer Publications)
- Dr. Agustina Siahaya, M.Th., Ajuan Tuhuteru, M.Ikom., and Erika Christine Panggabean, M.M. (Research title: Competency Model Analysis of Lecturers of State Christian Religious Universities Based on Perdidion Number 2626 of 2023)
- Dr. Meily Meiny Wagiu, M.Th., Ryanto Adilang, M.Th., and Samuel Wailan Leonard Wanget, M.Th. (research title: reinterpretation of the story of the centurion of Capernaum in the study of historical criticism of the text of Luke 7:1–10 and its relevance to religious moderation through Christian education in the city of Manado)
- Dr. Johannis Siahaya, M.Th., M.Pd., Dr. It's Been Proven, M.Th., M.Pd.K. (Research Title: The Use Of The Name Tete Manis As A Substitute For The Name Of Lord Jesus: A Bridge Of Religious Moderation In The Maluku Emik Culture)
- Yonatan Gabriel, Johnson Wadani (Research title: Strengthening cross-party learning strategies based on commitment to responsibility in Dayak culture for the sustainability of Christian religious education at the junior high school level in Central Kalimantan)
- Augustine, Reynaldo Pabebang (Research title: MA'TA'DA: A Theological Critique of Ma'ta'da Rituals Based on the Westminster Confession of Faith's Perspective on Worship)
- Dr. The Iliad, S.Th., M.Si., Dr. Herdiana Boru Hombing, M.Th., Grecetinovitria Merliana Butar-Butar, M.Th. (Research title: The Role of the Church in Breaking the Chain of Sexual Violence Against Children)
- Prof. Dr. Sonny Eli Zaluhu, M.Th., Dr. Robinson Rimun, M.Th., Dr. Joseph Chris Santo, M.Th. (Research title: Digital Religion and Theological Perspective Systematic Literature Review)
- Dr. Olivia Cherly Wuwung, S.T., M.Pd., Dr. Jefri Mailool, S.T., M.Pd., Firmanians Tuerah, M.Phil., and Darmianus Harefa, M.Pd.K. (Student Perceptions of Intercultural Tolerance in Christian Higher Education)
- Dr. Aaron Y. Natonis, M.Si., Merling Tonia Litron Litos Conthes Messakh, M.P.D., Agustinus Nggiku (Research title: Implementation of the PAK Mission through Religious Moderation House in Indonesia)
- Prof. Mareyke M.W. Tairas, Ph.D., Dr. Dwi Ariefin, S., S.Pd., M.Th., Dr. Mariani Harmadi, S.Pd., M.Th., and Dwi Anugerahani H., S.Pd. (Research Title: Teacher Pedagogic Competency Survey Research in the Implementation of Free Learning in Christian Religious Education Subjects in National First Level Secondary Schools)
- Prof. Dr. Ch.D.W. Sahertian, M.P.D., Dr. Onisimus Amtu, M.P.D., Dr. Hendrik A.E. Lao, M.P.D., and Rebekah Manufandu (Research title: Improving education services with academic culture and implementation of SPMI through the Servant Leadership Model as a moderating variable in PTKKN)
- Dr. Sarmauli, M.Th., Dr. Tolop Oloan Marbun, M.Th., M.Pd., Dr. Yamowa'a Bate'e, M.Th., Lilyantie, S.Th., M.Si., Dr. Agus Surya, M.Th. (Research title: anthropological theological study of eating sapa in the Toba Batak tradition in Samosir regency and its implications for interreligious communication)
- Prof. Benjamin Fleming Intan, Ph.D., Prof. Yahya Wijaya, Ph.D.(title of research: Missiology from Below: a Perspective of Laity on Evangelism in Muslim-Majority Indonesia),
- Prof. Dr. Albiner Siagian, M.Si., and Melinda Siahaan, Ph.D. In The Past, M.A. (research title: Batak friendship culture: theological study of religious moderation practices based on local wisdom of the Toba Batak tribe in Tapanuli Raya)
- Telhalia, D.Th., Alfonso Munte, M.Pd.K. (Research title: Sustainable Energy Sector Without Carbon Indonesia 2060 based on Eco-Theo-Sophy: A Case Study in Central Kalimantan)
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