By Melissa Richeson, Op-ed contributor Wednesday, January 10, 2024 iStock/krblokhin

In a study of 200 people who made New Year's resolutions, only 19 percent kept their resolutions for two years, and 23 percent failed in the first week. Maybe it's time to make a decision. With this in mind, perhaps we should change the way we welcome the new year this year.

In fact, the term "resolution" may be part of the problem. By definition, a resolution is simply a unanimous decision to do or not to do something. While examining our lives and making the decision to change is good, it is only beneficial if we have an idea of how the change is happening.

It may be better to concentrate on the word "renewal" rather than resolution, because renewal is a biblical concept.

Romans 12: 2 tells us to renew our minds, and

Ephesians 4: 22-24 encourages us to be better in our attitudes.

Isaiah 40: 31 says that we can renew our strength by waiting on the Lord.

Titus 3: 5 reminds us that the Holy Spirit does work to renew US, and

2 Corinthians 4: 16 shows that renewal always occurs from time to time.

Revelation 21: 5 Jesus will "make all things new",

According to this, it may be semantic, but in my opinion, the thought of an update is much more interesting than a resolution. By concentrating on making "everything new," I am simply collaborating with Jesus in doing what he wants of me, both now and in the future, until it is finished.

How can we renew ourselves in the new year? Of course, the first step is to pray. You must ask God about the location where he wants to create change in you. Once you've found which areas you can update, make a list of new things you can try to help you see the changes. It's impossible to be new by doing the same old things.

Keep in mind that updates are not a solution. Therefore, establishing mandates that may not work is not the goal of the renewal plan. It's about trying new things that help you and God change your life. Certain things may work, while others may not. No problem! Updates happen "day after day" (Matthew 4:16), so if one new idea doesn't work, try another the next day.

The following are some new ideas that are based on our core values at Medi-Share, although I'm not sure which areas God wants to renew in your life:

Find time to exercise.

Most of us have made the decision to climb stairs or park farther away than ever before with the idea of improving our non-exercise mobility. But we all end up taking the elevator when life gets busy.

Instead, it may be worthwhile to look for shorter times to move faster. Try squatting while standing at the stove or lifting your legs while brushing your teeth. Room pace or light bicep curl movements when making work calls. Small moments can lead to big actions!

Try a new kind of sport.

Often, our physical activity becomes a habit. However, you tend not to want to exercise when exercise gets boring, right?

We will try new things to renew our sports practice this year. Try a paddle or kayak ride instead of your familiar jogging. Your partner can also play rackets. Making a list of new activities you want to try might help. When you get used to it, you already have ideas to keep things interesting.

Prioritize hydration

Many people decide to" drink more water," and they do it for good reason. A national study found that men on average need 15.5 cups of fluid per day and women 11.5 cups of fluid per day. That's too much liquid!

However, the Mayo Clinic states that liquids don't always have to be water. Perhaps this new year we can prioritize overall hydration over ounces of water if we consider renewals rather than resolutions. To increase your fluid intake, eat celery, melon, and spinach that are high in water. When ordinary plain water becomes boring, try mixing vitamin juice or soda. All this promotes better hydration!

Try new foods rich in nutrients.

In the same way, many people decide to "eat more vegetables" every new year. While this is a great goal, holding back on the same vegetables over and over again can be a daunting task.

This could be the year when we try new nutritious foods to change our tastes. Within one week, try replacing peas and grapes if your packed lunch usually consists of apple slices and carrot sticks. If you've never tried beets before, look for a new recipe for weaving them as a side dish tonight. Trying something new might make food healthier than just "checking" in the new year.

Increase the amount of your savings.

In addition to the celebration of the new year, most of us are aware of the importance of saving more money at all times. It may be a good idea to abandon the "Save $50 every month" resolution and concentrate on increasing your savings rate if we want to make it a part of a fashionable lifestyle.

If you don't have a savings plan at the moment, work on getting an emergency fund of three months' salary. If you already have emergency savings, work on building a longer-term savings account with a higher yield. In addition, you have the option to diversify by choosing several investments or mutual funds. Your thoughts on long-term savings can be updated by looking at the prospect of a larger level of increase.

Enhance your financial expertise.

Sometimes, increased knowledge is an eternal source of renewal. This new year, you should consider meeting with your financial advisor. If that's not possible for you, try incorporating a podcast, blog, or financial book into your routine. Dave Ramsey's blog, The More Than Money podcast, and the Seedtime site, which is full of high-quality resources, are some examples that can be suggested.

Improve light connectivity.

According to a quick online study, the most common way to improve a relationship is to spend more time with your significant other. However, if your calendar is too full in a particular season, consider renewing your relationship with a light connection point instead.

Every week, you can go to great lengths to convey your thoughts and non-informational messages to your significant other, such as your spouse, children, friends, or parents. Alternatively, you can write a short note of encouragement and include it in your loved one's lunch. Even if it's just a few moments, intentional connections always take a lot of time.

Think about joining a new group.

It may make sense to make new friends in the new year if you want to make friends with people who share your interests. The church may offer a Bible study that you can participate in. Your area may have a pickleball club. There may be classes in your city if you want to learn a new skill, such as welding, pottery, or playing the guitar. You never know where you can find new connections!

Empower yourself to memorize your Holy Bible.

If you've faced difficulties memorizing Scripture before, it may be time to use a new method. Is there anyone else in your life who can memorize the verses you are talking about? Genuine accountability and encouragement can improve your ability to speak—and make it more enjoyable!

It is also possible that a new memorization app will help you renew your spirituality. VerseLocker is a very good app because it allows you to memorize in any English translation and supports a variety of learning approaches, such as games, audio, visual, multiple choice, and more.

Change the way you study the Bible.

When the quiet period is over, you know it's time to make a change. While certain Bible study methods may have worked in the past and may work again in the future, it is not bad to change them when needed.

Consider studying word roots if you want to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible. The free Logos and Blue Letter Bible app is a great tool. It may be time to keep a new journal or keep a Bible journal. If you feel like you want to connect more emotionally with the world, This will allow you to more carefully record how God speaks to your heart through scripture.

Take advantage of multi-tasking moments.

If you're short on time and want to improve your mood, consider making the most of the time for "no-brain" activitiesYou can enjoy devotional podcasts while you clean the house. You can turn off the radio DJ and listen to worship music or Bible passages while you are on your morning commute. During moments of leisure, doing many things at once can be a great boost to refresh your mind in the middle of the day.


In this new year, let's concentrate on updates rather than resolutions. There is definitely a way to try something new, no matter what aspect of your life you want to change.


A freelance writer and editor based in Central Florida is Melissa Richeson. Magazines like The Washington Post, Florida Today, Sunlight Press, BiggerPockets Wealth, and WDW, just to name a few. Over the past decade, as a member of Medi-Share, she has shared positive experiences of Christian Care Ministry. Melissa can often be seen on the beach in real life or on the internet on her freelance website.


News Sources : https://www.christianpost.com/voices/why-renewal-is-a-more-biblical-concept-than-new-years-resolution.html?clickType=link-topbar-news

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