By Jay Mātenga | 

Le Vu / Unsplash

I say hello to those who are trying to achieve their goals.

This month's text is Joshua 5:13–15 (NLT), which reads, "When Joshua was near the city of Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you friend or foe? He replied, "I am not one," an  "I am the commander-in-chief of God's Army." Hearing that, Joshua fell respectfully to the ground. "I am at your command," said Joshua. "What do you want to do with your servant? Joshua did as he was commanded, and the commander of the army of the LORD said, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you stand is holy."

I love how the biblical message Peterson answers questions and responses: Joshua asks, "On whose side are you, our enemy or our enemies? and the answer is, " neither."I am the commander of God's army and have just arrived. In this section, I launch the World Evangelical Alliance Mission Commission's 2023 mission forecast. The full global analysis can be accessed at: https://weamc.global/leaders-forecast-2023/. I will repeat the introduction to the essay for my January 2024 post, hoping you can take the time to read the rest.

According to Joshua 5, the new generation entered Canaan through the dry Jordan River. A new generation in a new environment, consecrated to God for the task to come. A new era has come. Literally, the past is cut off, and the future is open. New supplies are collected, prepared, and used even when old resources have ceased as planned. The covenant assured their ancestors that the Israelites would live in the territory that the descendants of former slaves had just seized. People today are perceived as "enemies.".

Because of their idolatry, violence, and ungodly lifestyle, it seems that the people living in the land were considered unworthy, and judgment fell upon them through the migrating Israelites. However, we must realize that the reasons for the conquest of Canaan can only be known through the counsel of the Lord. However, it is important to remember that God does not show compassion in this regard. In the House of Cornelius, Peter realized: "I saw very clearly that the Lord does not show favoritism." He accepts those who fear him and does what is right in every country. Israel was successful because they feared the Lord and did what was right, so Abraham was saved.

Joshua was surprised when he approached Jericho because a man armed with a sword suddenly stood in front of him. The question, "Who are you siding with—our enemies or our enemies?" (Jos 5:13B MSG), causing conflict in our world today—in the 'world', in the church, and in missions.

We have been living for some time in the "either/or" eraAs social media became more popular in the mid-2010s, it became increasingly possible to inflict shame on people whose behavior was considered unacceptable by many like-minded people. This is known as the "cancel culture" effect in 2020, around the end of 2019. Protagonists have used this type of public accountability (and, at times, harassment) as one of various tools to influence public opinion, exhibit unreasonable behavior, or push people into certain ideological camps. Shortly thereafter, the term "cancelling" was added to a list of previous tools that included "doxxing," "trolling," and "gaslighting," all relatively new terms in the real world.

While it is surprising that there are some individuals who have a tendency to generate conflict on the internet, there is a strong urge to do so. There is money and strength required. more specifically for those who have the ability to attract many followers or tribes. Who is that? People are well paid to stir up conflict, disseminate "fake news," create the illusion of a zero-sum game in which there is only one winner, and elicit enough emotion to describe their opponents as "enemies.".

"Whose side are you on?" Joshua asked. The commander of God's Army replied, "Not really." That's not true. How could that happen? It is very clear that Israel served as a tool to determine God's decision against Canaan. How could God not help them? It may be too easy to say that the moral of the story is that Joshua had to know that Israel was on God's side. Many of us behave as if we are on the side of God, but the result of our actions suggests otherwise.

Jesus said that our actions reveal our true identity. (Matthew 7:15–20). We need to be self-aware and intelligent. Perhaps we are the ones leading, and those we follow seem as harmless as sheep, but the way we treat people shows a cruel wolf. Are we really the sheepherders who show the fruit of the spirit in each of our relationships, regardless of context or hierarchy? Are we deceiving, oppressive, demanding, cruel, transferring blame, retaining power, spiteful, condescending, self-protective, angry, envious, divisive, or even worse? According to Paul in Galatians 5:21, anyone who exhibits these qualities "will not inherit the Kingdom of God." So, what is the reason to follow such a leader? When they try to convince us that a certain group is the "enemy," why should we believe them? Such leaders do not build empires; their actions that destroy relationships are not part of Christ's new creation.

God has no position whatsoever. God only has true followers: those who fear him and act righteously. The gospel writers refer to them as disciples, followers, and disciples of Jesus. However, outside of acts, the word we translate as"discipline" (μαθηττς/mathī) seems to prefer inclusive kinship language (brother/sister) or descriptors. Although Matthew 20:18–20 is still relevant in our theology, God's purpose in our new era will be clearer if we jointly create and educate families in the name of the Holy Three as we go around the world. In addition, one can easily understand "disciple" from an individualist perspective, and "making disciples" is a kind of production line. In the family, there was no such desire. In addition, there are no permanent family quarrels. Family is family, despite the differences. The family is the primary metaphor for the covenant community of Christ outside the gospel.

In situations where we ask each other, "Which side are you on?the right answer should be" the answer of the Lord Jesus Christ." He is not on our side, or on the side of our particular denomination or tribe. We are only faithful to him if we are truly "saints." Every barrier that causes enmity among us who belong to the family of Christ is broken down (Ephesians 2:14). Including complaints about the past, tribal affiliation, geographical boundaries, state patriotism, and theological differences faithful to the Bible. This does not imply that we do not seek retribution when wrongdoing occurs; rather, as a people who are aware of the great grace of God, our Lord Jesus Christ, we seek forgiveness in accordance with the new law, the law of merciful love.

Although the Apostle James refers to conflicts that occur between believers, the desire to remain firm in the faith always prevails in all circumstances. We should consider his advice (James 1:2-4) when considering global events and other major changes that have occurred in 2023. If we hold fast to our trust in God and our commitment to one another in Christ, the test of our faith matures us. James says that this promise of maturity (or completion, perfection, or fullness) brings immense joy.

Although it sounds contrary to a world that strongly rejects suffering, it fits well with the "way of the cross." Listen to me now. I'm not saying that God arranges world events just for our maturity. However, Scripture shows that unwavering trust in God, finding meaning in God's purpose, and acting kindly are the best ways to deal with disasters from the outside.

May we all be given great wisdom and discernment as we enter 2024 and contribute our best as we participate in God's cause locally and internationally. May God guide us well to "collaborate to jointly create a new creation" as we work for #stayonmission.

Think about you going to heaven (love to all of you when you go out into the world

Jay Matanga's blog first published it.


News Sources : https://www.christiandaily.com/oceania/whose-side-are-you-on.html

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