Campbell Campbell-Jack 19 Januari 2024 / 6: 10 PAGI

As another year goes by, it's a good time to reflect on what our priorities should be.

Closed society

We have to admit that Great Britain is really post-Christian—and not just post-Christian—but post-liberal. Britain has faced a cruel threat to morality and customs, like other Western countries. A once liberal and tolerant society that sought to build community has turned into a sensitive hearer with vested interests in power, resulting in a society where everything goes smoothly and nothing works.

Due to the fact that England is a post-Christian country, it is possible that it is a post-liberal country. Liberalism has degenerated into progressivism due to a lack of Christian direction and restraint. It is an ideological shambles with no clear strategy for the future and a disdain for the past as its driving force. In a reasoned society, there is no strong moral consensus, and as a result, we see moral chaos, a lack of innovation, and an increasingly narrow society. Western liberalism has turned into a cultural suicide cult within a generation.

Who should be responsible?

As we witness the institutional, economic, and moral decay all around us, we must recognize that the church is the one responsible for safeguarding the principles of life that bring happiness and fulfillment. Having grown tired of trying to turn the world into Christ, the leadership of the heritage denominations has decided to try to turn the church into the world. As a result, Christian differences have led to kindness and a weak desire not to offend while drowning in a quagmire.

Faithful Christians, of any tradition, are caught between a rock and a hard place because of obvious unbelief or a weak form of homoeopathic Christianity that encourages what people want.

Sheilaism is an individualistic belief system that selects "religious" elements from wherever they are found, usually with little theological consideration, and is the most popular religious belief in Britain today. The term comes from Sheila Larson, who embraces her "little voice" in a belief she calls "Sheilaism." One of the clearest examples of Sheilaism in Britain recently is King Charles's Christmas message; it was a collection of people from many different religions, and all of them were adorned with good thoughts and increasingly acceptable thoughts.

Following Holiness

What should a caring Christian do in the face of the decline of society and the increasing pressures of narcissistic and intolerant progressivism? A Christian who cares about the state of the world and its best society is pursuing holiness and joining a biblical fellowship. Our own spiritual health and the ability to motivate other Christians should be our top priorities.

If personal circumstances prevent us from having direct contact with other Christians, we should learn from Luther and use the internet as a helpful communication tool. We can join other Christians and share prayers and encouragement through it. We can form a community that truly cares by commenting, asking questions, and sharing concerns. If Christianity is going to stand the test of time before us, the way forward is to form a small and diverse community of orthodox beliefs and practices, both physically and online, made up of believing Christians who consider themselves to be counter-cultural.

It is important.

When the West seems to be in danger of retreating to a third-world state, why emphasize spiritual growth and fellowship? Undoubtedly, the Christian response should center on trying to prevent further setbacks and repair what we have lost.

Experience has shown that well-known social conservatives will go to great lengths to ensure that Christians are in the public square. Victory over experience brings hope; expect them to use their influence to encourage the application of Christian principles in real life. Even lawmakers who profess a religion and have the power to change laws rarely protect biblical Christians. We must realize that we are faithful Christians ourselves, and we cannot expect biblical leadership from people who do not have a biblical perspective.

We are required to be realistic. It is up to Christians to show how their faith functions in a watching world. In addition to speaking, we must also live like Christ. We cannot do this independently; we need each other. Taking care of God's creation is our responsibility, and it means more than just loving nature; everyone is part of creation, and we must all pay attention to their way of life.

It is very important for society that there is a fellowship of Christians who can defend their faith, ensure their survival, and provide the necessary foundation for successful resistance and recovery. We cannot retreat and take a place among those who want to retreat without getting their hands dirty. While awakened people in power rage through our institutions and undermine our culture, only to replace it with confusion and division, we cannot retreat and take our place among them.

Without a strong body of Christians capable of clinging to biblical truth, any attempt to stop the tide of immorality and reality distortions such as transgender confusion will falter and fail quickly. It is very important to avoid deception about political power. Although social conservatives shared Christian concern for the condition of society, they could not find a fundamental reason for it. As a result, their efforts will not last long.

The instability in our culture comes from the rejection of the transcendent. We experience and understand a transcendent culture so that we can collide with the current therapeutic culture. The basic question answered in different ways by Christians and others in the world is, "Do we follow God's pattern of living, or do we do what feels good to us?" We cannot be useful in this world until we are useful in heaven. It is very important for us Christians to maintain our common ground for the sake of our own souls and the health of the world.

Campbell Campbell-Jack is a retired Church of Scotland minister. A grain of sand is his blog.


News Sources: https://www.christiantoday.com/article/what.then.should.we.do/141287.htm

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