This time, we had an amazing opportunity to interview SDRs. Frans Rumere, an inspiring young figure in the world of Christian Leadership. One of the core principles he developed was "the rich are healed by money, the poor are healed by Love."

In this interview, we will gain an in-depth insight into how these views shape Sdr's leadership. Frans Rumere in service to society. How love, not matter, is the main driving force in helping fellow human beings.

Don't miss the opportunity to understand more about how Christian Leadership can be a call to love and help regardless of social or economic status. Check out this exclusive interview with Fr. Frans Rumere, in which we will delve deeper into this sublime principle.

How did you first get involved in humanitarian work in Papua? What is it that prompted you to this initiative?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: the first time I was involved in humanitarian work in Papua when I saw my father sick in 2014 and one year later died, so it became an initial initiative for me, who else can help us if ourselves, especially Papuans must help their own tribe if dong who helps their own tribe “his love " is different from other tribes.

Editor's note: Can you tell us more details about the Papuan medical community Without Borders that you lead (one of the founders) What is the main purpose of this community?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: the Papuan medical community Without Borders, originally or its embryo was from the GKI Port Numbay classical youth who at that time I was the Youth Coordinator of the GKI Se-classical youth Port Numbay – Jayapura city 2017-2022. Formed because we see there are many medical Human Resources of church youth outside the field of theology that must be empowered and worship is not only in the church because the real church is the human body and if our body is sick we need treatment bukah preached and in the Bible clearly Jesus said The Greatest Love Is Love For God and neighbor [Kemamsiaan] and Jesus said also that the real worship is when you are hungry give him food, thirsty give him drink, naked give him clothes, "that's the true worship” this is the background we make this medical community to reach the unattainable, isolated, limited financial (money for treatment) with a vision : our service is our tithe to God because we can not afford to pay God for breath and other goodness besides serving God with the profession that exists in US, Motto : happy is simple when we benefit others. This medical community changed its name to “Papuan medical community Without Borders " is when we serve Nduga refugees in wamena we the first way to go to the service is the GKI youth but the community we serve is the KINGMI Church of Papua and that provides lodging and transportation facilities is the Catholic Church therefore we change the name so : Papuan medical community Without Borders, with a real humanitarian spirit is without racial, class, ethnic, religious barriers. We are grateful with this name change medical teman2 who joined already diverse religions and church dedications, with the number of members already over 100an members and scattered throughout the Land of Papua with active branches in Puncak, Jayawijaya and Biak.

What kind of health services are usually provided by the Papuan medical community Without Borders? Are there any special projects or programs that you are running?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: the health services provided are health diakonia services to isolated villages and referrals for emergency patients to the city to get better health services, health services for community animals because in this community there are also veterinarians, veterinary medics , and projects or programs that have been carried out are the provision of clean water filter equipment (Nduga Pengunsi and Banjir Bandang Sentani) and plantation equipment/major vegetable seeds/fruits for nduga Wamena refugees.

How do you and your team address specific challenges related to accessibility and health infrastructure in Papua?

Sdr, Frans Rumere: to overcome the challenge of Health Access is to utilize the potential or link youth church or church and medical peer network so by itself there is access available although complicated but there is a way out health infrastructure is also the same mamfaatkan medical peer potential for services in areas (lodging) health centers, medical contact tools, drugs and more.

Editor's Note: Are there any stories or experiences that specifically influenced or inspired you to do humanitarian work in Papua?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: a special story or experience is from Tete Mama saya who is a Dutch minister in the Warpen and Yapen areas, I saw and felt the incredible affection of the people he had served for us every place he had served when we came they entertained us with incredible affection every place where tete served there was his name but also my parents who continued my work tete I was very appreciated when we met their affection and gratitude to this very sincere who inspired me to do this humanitarian work and dal also I met in Nduga refugees in Wamena.

Editor's note: what is your approach to local capacity building in the context of Health Services in Papua?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: local Kapicity approach, when the ministry met with local figures both youth, church, government and Customs advocate them indirectly how to live a healthy life by maintaining clean lngkung and healthy behavior by avoiding promiscuity (youth) free sex, etc.

Editor's note: what important partnerships or collaborations have you established with other organizations or institutions in support of the mission of the Papuan medical community Without Borders?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: partnerships that have been established with several church partners abroad, support and donations for Community Services in these humanitarian activities; among others : Hapin, UEM, Rajori and the World Council of Churches.

Editor's note: In addition to the health aspect, are there any other initiatives or programs that you are doing for Humanity in Papua?

Sdr.Frans Rumere : another program in the initiative is mother tongue literacy and we have also created a community of GKI Klasis Port Numbay youth mother tongue literacy seeing that there are 250 mother tongues in Papua but drawn extinction who actively use the mother tongue according to data from the Papua Provincial Education Office are just a few tribes, talent Interest Community PAM GKI Klasis, Acoustics & lawyers) utilize the potential of other church youth but these two do not run optimally because it has ended the duties and responsibilities as Church Youth Coordinator in Port Numbay Classis.

Editor's note: Could you share your experience at the World Council of churches meeting? What is your role in this sphere?

Sdr. Frans Rumere: I am proud to be able to attend the meeting of the World Council of Churches in Germany - Karlsruhe City, August 29 – September 6, 2022 with the Chairman, Secretary. Special Envoy GKI World Council of Churches and Secretary of the Department of love and Justice GKI in the Land of Papua. My GKI youth, the only one who participated in this activity. And my role in this activity is to talk about the situation of health services in Papua in the Worskhop Conference and FGD (youth and Indigenous Peoples) introduction before the World Council of Churches session for the World Council of Churches elections in the following period, which discriminates against indigenous Papuans (OAP) of different ideology M vs NKRI where the state specifically health agencies do not serve based on humanity but based on the ideology of NKRI.

How can Papuan medical communities Without Borders play a role in promoting peace, inter-religious dialogue and Inter-Church cooperation in Papua?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: the role of the medical community is purely humanitarian, but our advocacy is Humanitarian (Health Access needs) must be seen by all components,especially the government and the church do not see this based on the glasses of groups, differences in ideology, ethnicity, race, religion and class. The role of the community for this Papuan people must be healthy so that social Welfare will be owned by everyone.

Editor's note: Do you have any hopes and visions for the future of Papua's humanitarian and medical community Without Borders?

Sdr.Frans Rumere: hope, my vision is humanity (the character of Jesus) and this is my hope to keep this spirit in the work of the Papuan medical community indefinitely, because without humanity we will serve based on mutual consent and tribal sesame tribe but if the work based on humanitarian vision will penetrate many differences and break through the barriers of impossibility though and bring extraordinary prosperity.

Is there a specific message or inspiration you would like to share with individuals or organizations interested in supporting or engaging in humanitarian initiatives in Papua?

Sdr.Frans Rumere : ’the rich are healed by money, the poor are healed by Love [Humanity”. Papua does not need smart people, tra needs rich people but needs people who have a sincere heart of love (humanity).

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