Avatar Nancy C. Williams Jan 10, 2024

"...Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands for us...."(Psalm 90: 17)

I see a lot of people have chosen the "word for the year" as 2024 begins, with inspiring mantras like perseverance, imagination, or exploration.

I didn't have a great idea for myself until I rediscovered Psalm 90: 17 (see above). In this "prayer of Moses", the psalmist asks God to show us his beauty, which is a kind word. And the second part of the verse contains the word uphold, for our works. 

I love that second word, and I plan to use it in 2024!

Strong's concordance states that the Hebrew word used to build here is kūwn, which means "to stand upright" or "to erect".It is used for various purposes, such as establishing, improving, preparing, implementing, designating, and ensuring that it is appropriate, prosperous, or successful. It denotes such things as certainty, loyalty, preparation, provision, and readiness. That looks like a lot of work.

For those who make decisions and goals for the New Year for the coming months, shaping is an encouraging word. We have to make our plan, dive in, and get started!


Read the verse again. The psalmist does not speak of building his own work; instead, he asks God to do it for him.

That's very different from the do-it-yourself attitude that many Americans have, especially here in Scotch-Irish Appalachia. We admire those who take the initiative and work hard to achieve their goals. It has no errors.

However, this message shows our work. If we are completely honest with ourselves, no job is guaranteed to produce good results. Only God can prosper or let it fail, no matter how hard we try. The resources and talents we need can only be obtained from it. No one but his Holy Spirit can guide us in what we should do. 

Asking God to assign our work is not an excuse to be lazy or wait for things to come to us just like that. "When laziness comes to mark our existence, we can convince ourselves that we are really ready to run ten miles, start writing that paper, or finish that project-but we only live in a world of imagination until our reality is transformed by the power and grace of God," says the Reverend Alistair Begg.

Instead, the message of Moses asks us to realize that God is responsible for everything completely. We must be his faithful servants, setting out each morning to honor him with hard work, ideas, effort, and perseverance. At the same time, we must also seek his guidance and results.

It requires prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit, and seeking answers from his word. It is also necessary stay focused on him, not focusing on our own interests or self-esteem. That means we have to ask for understanding from him.

Even in his later years, when he led a nation of about a million people across the desert, Moses was certainly a hard-working man. He also knew how important it was to spend time with God to learn his plans and commandments. The greatest failure of Moses ' leadership occurred when he took matters into his own hands (hitting a rock to get water) instead of asking God to provide for the needs of the Israelites.

What challenges will you face in 2024? Do you have an incredible goal, dream, or desire that you want to achieve? You can't do it alone. And without God's blessing, you will not succeed. 

Following him may mean letting go of your current desire to follow what the Holy Spirit leads you. It may also mean giving up things that make you feel comfortable to work hard in an undisturbed environment. It could even mean leaving your desired career to care for your parents, stay at home to raise children, or serve in the mission field abroad.

As I think about my work, I realize that I still haven't written a calendar or a workbook for 2024. I'm still waiting for God's help. I have been trying this week with a pencil to fill in some of the remaining spaces in the tasks that await me, while praying to God.

Can you do the same? Using a pencil or a digital calendar that can be modified? Allowing God to bring you his interruptions and changes of direction? Asking God to work in you "both for his will and for his pleasure"? (Philippians 2: 13)

This week, let us honor him by handing over the work of our hands to his beautiful and sovereign hands. After that, let's complete the task that he gave us.

Heavenly Father, you are wise, intelligent, and just to give me a job. When you come to set your plans for me, don't take me as a burden or inconvenience. Call me to be careful, diligent, and submissive to your will. Show me where I serve you and bless my work for your glory. In the name of Jesus, I say Amen.


Copyright Copyright 2024 Nancy C. Williams, Lightbourne Creative (text and photography)

 The Holy Bible is taken from the New King James Version® copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used with permission. All rights reserved. # establishwork #wordoftheyear # newyearsresolutions #newyeargoals #holyspirit #alistairbegg # initiatives # calendar #planning for 2024


 News Sources :  https://blogs.crossmap.com/stories/the-privileged-life-is-god-directing-your-work-for-2024-z96vC0m88Ba0RDIdq3SCm?utm_source=christianpost

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