By Dan Delzell, Christian Post Contributor Sunday, February 18, 2024/iStock/Puttachat Kumkrong

Would you say that most of your life is based on feelings or facts? Do your emotions influence the decisions you make? How much do you believe in your world? You may not realize how much your worldview affects how you feel on a daily basis.

Feelings are pleasant and pleasant, but they can also be very sad and depressing. In other words, feelings are very dynamic and dynamic. Good feelings can appear suddenly and remain in your heart for some time, but they can easily disappear when you experience a little uncertainty in your life.

Everyone wants to feel good. To get the pleasure they want, some people use drugs or alcohol. Others devote their lives to achieving the dream of Heaven on Earth through a career or the search for material possessions. However, fickle feelings continue to be a problem, no matter how hard a person strives for a personal utopia.

You know what I'm saying because you've experienced it yourself. Think of a situation when feelings led you to make an unwise decision. You may feel shaken by something, maybe because of your past experiences or maybe because of how you behave inside yourself. Diseases related to negative feelings are often difficult to track down. Let's deal with it. Sin destroys our bodies and minds, and this destruction has a profound effect on how we feel.

Temptation obviously plays a role here too. It's easy to try to respond to our feelings. For example, who is not guilty of verbally or in writing giving vent to unpleasant feelings to others? One thing is to honestly express our concerns, but when we are driven by negative emotions, we tend to do more harm than help. Our words break rather than build.

Controlling our feelings is not easy. However, one of the biggest mistakes we can make in this area is treating the symptoms rather than addressing the main cause that is harming us. The main problem we face as human beings is not fickle feelings, but a genuine disconnection from the person who created our emotions in the first place. Therefore, we are not created to "feel good" unless we have a positive relationship with our Creator.

An article titled " near record low Americans 'very satisfied' with life; married, regular churchgoers among happiest" ran in the Christian Post recently.I have a simple question for you. What makes you believe that you are on a path that will bring true satisfaction if you are not interested in gathering with other Christians to worship God? Building significant relationships with followers of Christ is also one of the most important things you can do. Although their feelings change and change, many believers have learned the secret of ultimate satisfaction.

Before knowing this secret for himself, the Apostle Paul had become a terrorist. That prompted him to write, "I have learned the secret of being content in every situation" (Philippians 4:12). How much money are you willing to spend to learn this secret? The truth is that true satisfaction cannot be bought with money. It takes a child of God to put it directly into your soul.

For he (Christ) created all things, both in heaven and on Earth... (Colossians 1: 16). Man and woman are God's most important creation, according to Genesis 1:26-27. However, when humans sin against God, our internal relationships become chaotic.

Our sinful nature generates a lot of negative emotions, and it is very difficult to control them. However, there is one way to "clog the dam". By accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, we can reduce negative emotions. God understands why we experience certain feelings, and the Holy Spirit can provide peace and comfort to replace our uncertain feelings.

You may have been told that being right with God and receiving eternal life in Heaven is the main reason for accepting Christ. If so, you have been told the truth. However, I want to put something into that equation. One of the advantages of accepting Christ as Savior is that he can erase the negative traits in your soul before being born again.

Does this show that Christians never experience pain? That's for sure not. We remain alive in this body and are still in this world. However, this is the problem. We are no longer allowed to handle our own feelings. Our Creator is within us. I am talking about him who went from heaven to Earth to suffer and die on the cross for our sins. This is the only way to improve our relationship with God, and through his death and resurrection, Jesus made this all-important improvement.

And our souls will be happy if we fill our minds with Scriptures every day and pray to the Lord regularly. With his power and grace, Jesus can literally overwhelm our feelings of unreliability.

You see, you can really build your life based on facts rather than feelings. And when you build your life on the historical events of the Messiah's death and resurrection, it makes a huge difference in your ability to cope with fickle feelings.

Do you want to invite Jesus into your life now? If you accept it by faith, he will soon forgive your sins. You will be on the path to peace with God today, tomorrow, and forever.

In addition, Delzell served as pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Papillion, Nebraska.


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