By David Hoffman, Voices Contributor Saturday, January 13, 2024, / iStock/lvdesign77

What comes to mind when you talk about Generation Z and Generation Y, also known as millennials?

Social media?

Can you work from home?

What technology?

The sad fact is that American culture in the twenty-first century has experienced an increase in egoism and narcissism compared to any other time in the country's history. With the abundance of post-modernism and social media, people may feel distrustful of the younger generation. What can we do about this? There is a solution.

The gospel is key, but for hope to come true, Generation Z and millennial Christians must embrace certain parts of the gospel. The hardest part of the gospel, which calls us to abandon ourselves and follow Jesus, is completely contrary to our human nature. Jesus was not looking for supporters; rather, he was looking for followers.

In American culture, every aspect elevates itself and tries to do this above all else. Social media is probably the biggest example of this, as its main purpose is to get people to see "me" and gain more likes and followers, influence, attention, and self-esteem. For personal convenience, we buy most of the goods from the store. We have many entertainment and fun options available to us. When I was a kid, the only way to access the internet was through dial-up. You have to go to Hollywood Video and rent a movie for five days if you want to watch a new movie. Things have evolved significantly. We can have almost every movie, TV show, and music album in seconds. Even the availability of food is shifting. Once in a while, you have to eat. Now you can order food and receive it at home from almost any restaurant. People don't even have to do their own grocery shopping anymore.

What does this mean? As never before, the young generation in our country, especially Gen Z and Millennials, is surrounded by things that enhance our self-nature, feed our sin nature, and make us focus on ourselves. However, our lifestyle makes us feel empty. Everyone is looking for love and purpose, and we cannot find it in ourselves. "It looks harder on the inside. Focus more on yourself. You will find what you are looking for," says culture. That's not true. This is what drives increased levels of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, addiction, and suicide. The more our culture advocates self-service and self-seeing, the worse the results will be.

Self is the biggest obstacle that prevents you from following Jesus. For this reason, Jesus said in Matthew 16:24–26, "If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it, but whoever saves his life will lose it. What is the benefit if a person gains the whole world but loses his soul? Alternatively, what will a person receive in return for the devotion of his soul?”

Christian youth occasionally organize activities that are in opposition to American culture. January 27, 2024, is the date of the event. This event is done to gather this generation, encourage them, and encourage them to achieve the goals that God has given them. "The Commissioning: A Jesus Movement" is the title of the event.

Despite the fact that it is aimed at the younger generation, everyone is welcome. The World Harvest Mission organization organized it. Christian hip-hop artist "KB," evangelist Jacob Ebersole, evangelist Alex Wurm, and Jesus Youth were the pioneers of the event.

This event is not a casual event or conference. It is a call for the younger generation of Christians to fulfill the Great Commission and accept God's call in their lives. Radically serving Jesus Christ is the only way to avoid the growing trend of postmodernism, atheism, and narcissism in the United States. The testimony and tale of a young man who was eager to serve the Lord by carrying out the Great Commission can influence family and friends. Remember that Jesus did not give "great advice"; instead, he gave the Great  Commission." This applies to all Christians, regardless of their age. Everyone present at this event will have the opportunity to connect to mission fields around the world—including the mission field in America—and also have the opportunity to meet the organizers in person.

As an offshoot of World Harvest, a rising youth movement called Jesus Youth currently operates in Spartanburg, South Carolina. This is a youth movement that wants to fulfill the Great Commission in their own city. If Gen Z and millennials choose to fulfill the Great Commission, they can significantly influence other cultures. The Great Commission doesn't just have to be a mission abroad; it can also be part of your environment.

Jesus is the best example of humility and selflessness. He declared that he had come not to be served, but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many. Following Jesus means leaving our sins behind and finding our true identity in him.

 Glorifying and serving God is the ultimate goal of our Christian life, as long as we live in this world. In doing so, we will find true satisfaction. We find happiness, peace, purpose, and love. According to modern culture, only serving yourself will lead you to satisfaction. The kingdom of God declares that you must abandon yourself to find happiness.

 There is hope for the younger generation to turn their attention away from themselves, which is a black hole that cannot be closed, and to what Jesus Christ did to bring salvation. Thereafter, they were to live a life of service to him by spreading the good news and the Kingdom of God.

"And this is eternal life, "says John 17; " that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." Keyword observation. Jesus was "sent." And he asks us to do his father's will to know him. The Christian life is truly the most challenging and challenging one can ever experience. "Getting out" is the key to living it.

According to Matthew, Mark, and Luke, the last commandment is to go out into all the world to preach the gospel and make disciples of people. Joining the adventure referred to as the" Great Commission" is the culmination of the Christian life. With the help of today's technology, Generation Z and Millennials have the opportunity to influence others while carrying out the Great Commission.

You can do it here if you want to get more information. If you are interested in participating in commissioning, it takes place in Spartanburg, SC, on January 27, 2024.

Kingdom Enterprises was founded by David Hoffman. He said,"It's my desire to lead in a Christlike way, with the heart of a servant, and with the conviction and vision of the Holy Spirit," while talking about his position as leader of the organization. He graduated from Southwestern Assemblies of God University with a degree in Bible and theology and biblical preaching and philosophy for minors. He also currently holds a Master of Arts in theology from his alma mater.


News Sources : https://www.christianpost.com/voices/the-hope-for-gen-z-and-millennials.html

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