The University of Geneva, which is part of the World Council of Churches, has application guidelines for the 2023–2024 academic year for the certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS).

General information for participants: The Ecumenical Institute in the Château de Bossey is the place to gather, speak, and form the International World Council of Churches. The institute was founded in 1946 and brings together people from different cultures, churches, and backgrounds for ecumenical learning, personal exchange, and higher education. It concentrates on teaching and building young ecumenical leaders. The University of Geneva is the parent of this institution.

The Higher Studies Certification (CAS) in Interreligious Studies (Le Certificat de Formation Continue en Interretudes Interreligieuses) is a course consisting of a three-week distance learning component. The course also covers a three-week period of study, research, and community life from June to August. This certification results in 10 ECTS credits (ECTS-European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System, established by the European Commission in 1988).

This course provides training to current and future actors in interfaith dialogue to:

Study the issues at stake in interfaith dialogue and engagement using an interdisciplinary approach that links theory and practice. A focus on a specific theme helps you understand the nature of interfaith dialogue and engagement, as well as its position in local, national, and international society. You can also reinforce your knowledge of the three Abrahamic religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. You can also understand the challenges associated with interfaith dialogue and engagement in past, present, and distance learning from July 8–26, 2024. The residential period runs from July 27 to August 17, 2024, at the Ecumenical Institute in Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland. People come on July 27–28, 2024, and leave on August 16–17, 2024. The residential period includes lectures, courses, workshops, and visits to religious sites of interest.

The autonomous Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Geneva, together with Jewish and Muslim partners and professors of the Ecumenical Institute, gives lessons. English is the language of instruction.

The CAS-IS Course research plan can be accessed here.

Application guidelines: to ensure your application is received in the best possible way, follow these guidelines.

The Ecumenical Institute selects students based on several criteria, such as:

the average grades during the applicant's upper secondary and post-secondary studies; accreditation by the University of Geneva for the applicant's upper secondary and post-secondary studies; closeness between the applicant's motivations and plans and interfaith teaching and research at the Ecumenical Institute; the clear desire of the applicant's church to make the best possible use of their future ecumenical education and experience; and the goal of forming an ecumenical student group annually.

The cost of the CAS-IS course is CHF 3,300. Participants must be between 20 and 35 years old when the course begins. This amount includes:

The course fee does not include tuition fees, health insurance, study visits, or shared accommodation during the residential phase.

Travel expenses to and from the Ecumenical Institute in Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland; expenses related to any personal trip, such as passports, visas, vaccinations, COVID-19 pandemic tests, medical certificates, additional processes required to travel, travel insurance, etc. The cost of meals and lodging during the trip, both before and after the official course date, as the Ecumenical Institute takes into account the traditional food needs of the Aga.

For applicants who demonstrate financial need, there is a limited amount of funding that can be used to cover some of the cost of the course. When the course is accepted, all scholarship awards are decided.

A person who meets the following criteria will receive a scholarship award to help with the cost of the course at the Ecumenical Institute:

If applicants indicate that they need funding, they will be awarded a scholarship.

Candidates seeking scholarships from ecumenical institutes for the first time will be given higher priority than those with promising academic achievements.

The scholarship notice is always partial; each applicant must make a minimum pledge to make a financial contribution of CHF 100.00 to the cost of the English introductory language course at the Ecumenical Institute. In the online application form, you are required to assess your English language skills using the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) as a reference:

Your personal statement indicates your level of English: basic user (A1-beginner/A2-basic), independent user (B1-intermediate/B2-upper intermediate), or advanced user (C1-advanced/C2-advanced).

Since you can only access the online application form once, collect all documents in pdf format before starting the process and name them FAMILYNAME_Firstname_NameOfTheDocument.pdf, e.g., PARK_Song Hoon_Senior High School letter of description.pdf.

For enrollment at the University of Geneva, the original documents must always be presented to confirm enrollment if you are accepted.

Enrollment for the summer of the 2023–2024 school year closes on March 15, 2024. Please apply at least one day before closing. At the end of April 2023, each applicant is provided with written information about the decision on whether or not they will be accepted. The Ecumenical Institute does not respond to phone calls or emails regarding admission decisions.

The upload of the electronically scanned documents listed below is required to fill out the online application form. Academic documents must be submitted in one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish. An officially registered translator must translate documents from other languages into English.

The complete CAS-IS application file consists of the following documents:

One (1) digital passport-sized photograph; a copy of the high school certificate and transcript of records; a copy of the university's bachelor's or master's certificate and transcript of academic records; or, if you do not have a bachelor's or master's degree, a copy of the certificate and transcript of academic records showing at least three (3) years of post-high school work experience.

A personal statement with a minimum of 500 words in English must indicate the following: your interreligious motivations and plans; experience in a local, regional, or global interreligious context; experience studying at an ecumenical institute relating to these matters; a curriculum vitae (CV) listing your academic, professional, and interreligious experiences in English; letters of recommendation from academic institutions, audiences, or other institutions; and

A financial plan that covers all costs and benefits associated with the cost of the course if you are accepted. Please attach supporting documents if you have funds pledged by third parties.

CLOSING DATE: March 15, 2024.



News Sources: https://www.oikoumene.org/news/applications-open-for-bossey-interfaith-summer-course


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