By Josh Buice, Op-ed contributor Saturday, February 10, 2024

Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty Images

Because of its heavy and obscure subject matter, the doctrine of hell is often ignored or avoided. Nevertheless, it is very important for Christians to talk about Hell as the Biblical text on the subject does. Rather than relying on our opinions on a particular topic, our doctrinal positions should be based on Scripture. Is your perspective on Hell different from Jesus ' perspective on Hell?

What did Jesus teach about Hell?

During Jesus ' earthly ministry, he uttered many sermons and taught on various topics. His most famous sermon, "The Sermon on the Mount," was the most prominent.Jesus ' preaching was not light at all. Jesus, as a prophet greater than Moses, thundered the truth of the Kingdom of God, which included Heaven and the judgment of God in the "fire of Hell" (Matthew 5:22). Jesus also points to the certainty that Heaven and Hell will exist and about the eternity of both (Matthew 25:46).

The Lord Jesus himself often described Hell as a just place to judge the lawless and rebellious. Jesus ' doctrine of Hell is shown in many verses (Matthew 5:22; 8:12; 10:28; 13:42; 24:51; 23:33; 25:30; mark 9: 43-48; Luke 13: 28). We see the language of wrath, punishment, and severe punishment in this text, which leads to the Holy retribution of a sovereign God who must judge the guilty.

In the parable Jesus told in Luke 16 about the rich man and Lazarus, the doctrine of divine judgment in hell is very clearly demonstrated by how the rich man immediately fell into the abyss of Hell after death. The rich man said he "suffered" in the flames of judgment when he asked for water to cool his tongue in the flames of hell (Luke 16:24). On the contrary, Jesus pointed out that Lazarus, who was called a poor man, felt very comfortable in the presence of Abraham (Luke 16:25). Because the Jews idolized Abraham as their hero, Abraham's presence became a way to show the place of his blessing. The parable shows how severe God's divine punishment is.

If we look at Jesus ' parables and sermons on the doctrine of hell, it is clear that he deliberately used key words to show how difficult it is to live in hell.

Fire: Jesus often used the symbol of fire to describe the punishment awaiting those who do not repent. Jesus said in Matthew 25: 41, "then he will say to those on his left," come out of me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."(ESV).

Outer darkness: this term refers to despair and isolation from the presence of God. Jesus said in Matthew 8: 12, " while the children of the kingdom will be cast into outer darkness."There will be tears and dental papers.

Crying and gnashing of teeth is a descriptive language used to indicate the sense of regret and sadness of the person facing judgment. Jesus warned in Matthew 13: 42 that those who would face God's final judgment would be thrown "into a fiery furnace. There will be tears and toothpicks."

Penalty Grade

The Bible says that there are some people who will face more severe punishment in Hell than others. Although all unbelievers who die outside of God's Grace will experience God's wrath in hell for eternity, we must pay attention to the clear teachings of Scripture that indicate the various degrees of punishment in hell.

In the Gospels of Luke 10 and Matthew 11, there are parallel passages that indicate that there are different degrees of punishment in hell. While this may come as a surprise to some, Jesus actually taught that people living in cities like Capernaum would face Hell more than people living in Wicked Sodom. Look What Jesus said in Matthew Chapter 11!

Woe to Chorazin and Bethsaida! For if the great work done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have long ago repented with sackcloth and ashes. But I tell you, in the day of judgment it will be more difficult for tyre and Sidon than for you. Does Capernaum also want to be taken up to Heaven? You will be taken to Hades, for if a great work in you had been done in Sodom, it would still be there to this day. However, I tell you that the land of Sodom will be more acceptable on the day of judgment than you.1

Jesus rebuked those who lived in three specific cities and compared them to three additional cities. The cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum near the Sea of Galilee became Centers for Jesus ' worldwide ministry. A great light was seen by those who were there. They had witnessed his wonders, signs, and wonders, and heard the powerful teachings and sermons he gave. When Jesus preached the Scriptures, they filled the houses used as places of worship. However, most of those people have forsaken Christ and forsaken him.

The other cities mentioned by Jesus, Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom, were in the north-near the Mediterranean Sea and were Phoenician cities. William Hendriksen gives the following explanation:

However, people got a definite impression of Isa. 23 and Ezekiel. 26-28 that the commercial sailors and colonists who lived in these cities were arrogant, money-mad, and cruel.

Amos discusses how the people of Tyre sold the Israelites into slavery to the Edomites. According to Joel 3:6, The Children of Judah and Jerusalem were bought by the Greeks. We know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Homosexuality and vile sin dominated the city of Sodom. We got the term "sodomy" from this city to describe sexual perversion and a terrible sexual rebellion against God. However, Jesus told the cities that received the most preaching that their judgment would be more severe. They had the most access to Jesus ' ministry, as stated in Matthew 11:20, but they were not converted.

In a contemporary example, a highly moral grandmother who goes to church every Sunday morning and never commits heinous crimes against children, embezzles her employer's money, or commits murder may die and go to hell as an unconverted member of the church. Instead, those who grew up in the dark forest and were educated to worship their ancestors, never even hearing the name of the dead Jesus, went straight to hell. However, grandma's hell will be much more terrible. Why would things get worse? According to Jesus ' teachings in Matthew 11 and Luke 10, it would have been worse because of his access to the Gospel and because he continued to reject Christ.

We find other passages in the New Testament that show varying degrees of eternal punishment. Jesus spoke in Matthew Chapter 12 verses 36-37.

"I say to you, on the day of judgment people will give an account for every stupid word they speak, because by your word you will be justified, and by your word you will be condemned."Christ said that every word will be judged, indicating that some people will be punished more severely than others.

In Luke 12: 47-48, Jesus compares two servants who are commanded to follow him. The first received a "crushing blow "and the other received a" light blow."It also shows the different punishments that will be given when Christ returns.

And the servant who knows the will of his master but does not prepare or act according to it will receive a severe blow; the one who does not know and does what deserves to be hit will receive a light blow. He always gives people a lot, and those who believe in him will demand a lot from him.

In Paul's letter to the Romans, he writes about things like this in Romans 2: 5 :

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