Author : Suara Papua, 31 Jan 2024, 11:59 AM

The YAPMI team distributed clean water facilities to residents of Agandugume and Lambewi districts, Puncak regency, Central Papua, some time ago. (Doc. YAPMI)

Jayapura, Yayasan Papua Mandiri (YAPMI) mourns the condition of residents in Agandugume district and Lambewi district, Puncak regency, Central Papua province, due to a drought that occurred some time ago.

To show their concern, Yapmi administrators offered clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS), first aid in accidents (P3K), and medicinal plants. They also built clean water facilities for residents in the two districts.

According to Victori Wenda, Yapmi's Public Relations Division, victims of last year's drought in Agandugume district and Lambewi district have received clean water facilities, including drinking water filters and folding jerry cans. "The activity carried out by YAPMI some time ago was a follow-up to the evaluation carried out by YAPMI with the Save the Children Indonesia Foundation last year in the emergency response to drought in the disaster-affected areas, namely Agandugume district and Lambewi district.

"The source of clear water is located far from residential areas; many residents who suffer from pain are not helped because the location of the village is far from public health facilities such as health centers," Victori said.

The YAPMI team distributed clean water facilities to residents of Agandugume and Lambewi districts, Puncak regency, Central Papua, some time ago. (Doc. YAPMI)

As a result, YAPMI built a drinking water facility with 49 nasava portable water filters and 600 folding jerry cans to fetch water.

YPMI also recruited four volunteers from the two districts. "We recruited some children from Agandugume and Lambewi districts as volunteers." This is a way to give strength to the sons of the region. Victori explained that the four volunteers were trained to provide health education to the community in two districts affected by drought last year. They were given health materials such as PHBS, P3K, and medicinal plants, as well as instructions to install and repair drinking water filters for several days before being sent to the destination location. “ After they arrived in Agandugume, they started from the Agandugume health center, giving turtles.

With this makeshift water filter, YAPMI hopes to be placed in public places to provide access to clean water to everyone. "Of course it needs to be treated well in order to last a long time. Then the health materials provided in the counseling are understood and implemented properly in order to benefit the local community both in emergency situations and in everyday life there."

People in Agandugume and Lambewi districts welcomed the YAPMI team with pleasure. They also thanked YAPMI for their attention to health counseling and direct assistance with the facility. The extension materials and assistance provided by these facilities were of great benefit to the residents of Agandugume and Lambewi, which experience drought almost every year.

Previously, in August 2023, the Yapmi Emergency Response Team helped Agandugume residents affected by drought, frost, and floods that occurred in June 2023.

In addition to logistical assistance and medicines, the YAPMI team also assessed drought disaster management and other service elements.


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